※ [本文转录自 PhD 看板 #1R5qOjx9 ]
作者: xneptunex () 看板: PhD
标题: Fw: [征才] 清华大学量子中心征博士后研究员
时间: Wed Jun 6 10:25:47 2018
※ [本文转录自 AfterPhD 看板 #1R5qNYZ4 ]
作者: xneptunex () 看板: AfterPhD
标题: [征才] 清华大学量子中心征博士后研究员
时间: Wed Jun 6 10:24:32 2018
1. The person will contribute to the infrastructure, design,
implementation and verification of the quantum computer based on
2. This will be carried out in close collaboration with at least 6
faculty members in the following 5 years.
The applicant with experiences in experimental superconducting quantum
computation is preferred.
NT56,650-64,890 (依年资给薪)
Applicant should submit curriculum vitae with a complete list of
publications, and a list of at least three references. Electronic
materials should be addressed to SC group of CQT, National Tsing Hua
University with email titled "CQTSC postdoc".
contact E-mail:
[email protected]