【公司名称】新加坡国立大学 (NUS) Power System Research Laboratory (PSRL) 【工作职缺】博士后研究员 2年合约(extendable) 【工作内容】PSRL is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on home automation and microgrid. The candidate is expected to design and demonstrate a residential household; showcasing the benefits of demand-side management through effective implementation of smart meters, data acquisition, and energy management systems. 【征求条件】1. Doctoral degree in electrical engineering or computer science. 2. Expertise in microgrid, power electronics, control theory, machine learning, and data analytics are preferred. 【薪资范围】4000-5000 SGD (~91000-114000 TWD) /month 【应征资料】1. Curriculum vitae with a list of academic publications. 2. Letter of reference or a list of 3 referees (with their mailing addresses) that might be contacted. All applications and inquires should be sent to the following email: [email protected]/*
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