cka 2016-07-06 16:21:10※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1NVAXnws ]
作者: comicreader (燃烧的狐狸) 看板: Gossiping
标题: Re: [新闻] 被威逼?周刊爆台塑越钢辱赔161亿元内幕
时间: Wed Jul 6 14:42:53 2016
※ 引述《chaos21 (cosmos)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:
: 联合报
: 2.完整新闻标题:
: 被威逼?周刊爆台塑越钢辱赔161亿元内幕
: 3.完整新闻内文:
: 2016-07-06 09:42 联合新闻网 综合报导
: 台塑在越南的河静钢铁厂,因排放废水致鱼群大量死亡,遭越南判罚5亿美元(新台币161
: 亿元)天价罚金。而原先台塑才呼吁越南政府共组调查团查明真相,不到半个月就又通通
: 认赔,《壹周刊》报导指出,其实是台塑总裁王文渊与副总裁王瑞华前往越南洽谈点火事
: 宜时遭到威逼,王文渊为了顾全大局只能忍辱认赔。
: 关于越南毒鱼事件,越南政府要求台塑赔偿高达5亿美元的赔偿金,原先台塑在股东会上
: 呼吁要越南政府共组调查团,查明真相还清白,却不到半个月就通通认赔承认是“下包商
: 作业疏失所致”。
: 周刊报导就指出,六月中王文渊与王瑞华亲自到越南说明点火事宜,但
: 其实却是被逼迫赔偿毒鱼事件,知情台商更透露,当时越南官员放话若谈不出结果,两人
: 都不准走。此外,台塑越钢四位高阶台干还被限制出境,有台商说“这根本就是绑票,逼
: 台塑拿钱赎人。”
: 越钢可说是王文渊一手催生,也是台塑近十年来最大的海外投资。2007年台塑砸下3000亿
: 元落脚河静,原本预定在6月25日举行第一座高炉的点火竣工仪式,都因为毒鱼事件被迫
: 取消。六月底越南镇暴警察部队进驻越钢,名义上是防范人民闯入暴动,但其实是在监督
: 不准动工。
: 除了认赔5亿美元并由越南董事长陈源成上电视道歉,报导中甚至指出,越南官方要求台
: 塑签下但书,要求台塑未来不得提出任何诉愿、国际仲裁,否则越钢就别想点火。越钢副
: 总张复宁则回应,与越方签署的条件因保密条款不得透露,河静钢厂则将分两次偿还5亿
: 美元,时间点尚未确认。
: 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
: http://udn.com/news/story/6/1809662
: 5.备注:
Vietnam Fish Deaths Cast Suspicion on Formosa Steel Plant
In central Vietnam, fish are dying on a massive scale, and locals suspect
pollution is the cause.
In addition to the off-shore conflict in the South China Sea, Vietnamese
citizens now have to face another disaster on the country’s central coast.
Unprecedented fish kills have been discovered along the beaches of four
central coastal provinces, namely Ha Tinh, Quang Tri, Quang Binh, and Hue.
Among the dead fish are not only small, shallow water fish, but also rare
species living in deep water and far offshore.
Vnexpress, a Vietnamese news agency, cited the Vietnam Directorate of
Fisheries as saying that “The total loss reached 4.7 billion dong (around
$200,000) in less than one week, including 37,200 brood fish, 900,000 brood
shrimps, and 200,000 brood clams in Ha Tinh Province. Hue also lost 5,900
brood fishes.”
Then, on April 24, a 100 kg whale was also found dead on the coast of Hue
Province. According to the coastal citizens, this is an abnormal phenomenon,
since previously discovered dead whales had been much larger and presumably
died from old age. Locals are concerned that this small whale also died from
poisoned water, along with the other fish in the mass fish kills along the
central coast this month. This raised alarm among the citizens since it
offered proof of the massive extent of the poisoned area.
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Never in their life have local fishermen caught fish so easily and in such a
great amount, and yet felt so frustrated and desperate. No one dares to eat
the fish. Some who tried have already had to go the hospital.
On April 26, five divers with the Nibelc company, a construction company
contract by Hung Nghiep Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corp (an offshoot of the
Taiwan-based Formosa Plastics Group) had to be hospitalized suspiciously,
allegedly due to pollution dumped by Formosa industrial site into the sea
water in Ha Tinh. Previously, on April 24, Le Van Ngay, another Nibelc diver,
died after diving in the water near the Formosa project.
在4月26日,5个来自 Nibelc公司的潜水伕(Nibelc公司有与台塑河静钢铁公司签订
在之前的4月24日,Le Van Ngay - 一位同样来自Nibelc公司的潜水伕,在台塑工程
While the government has been slow in responding and investigating the fish
deaths, the citizens and reporters of VTV, together with the Investigation
Center of Ha Tinh, conducted a public experiment with the polluted sea water.
The experiment observed two normal, living fish dying within two minutes of
swimming in the water sample. The first official conclusion from the Vietnam
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was that the cause of the fish
kill was not contagious disease but poisoned water. However, there have been
no announcement as to what could have tainted the water.
Local fishermen have been observing the dumping process of Formosa’s steel
plant in Ha Tinh province. The fishermen found out about the existence of an
undersea dumping pipeline two years ago, but the dumping was not noticeable.
According to their accounts, this year there was suddenly a huge amount of
discharge, visible in the form of a red water column near the pipes. After
that, the mass fish kill appeared across all four central coastal provinces.
An investigation is still underway, and a Vietnamese official cautioned that
there is no proof linking Formosa to the fish deaths. However, Formosa has
drawn fire for the blunt words of Chu Xuan Pham, the director of the company’
s local external relations department. In an interview with VTC on April 25,
he said: “Before acquiring the land, we already advised local fishermen to
change their jobs. Despite our early recommendation, local fishermen kept on
fishing in this area. Many times in life, people have to make a choice:
either to catch and sell fish, or to develop the steel industry. We cannot
have both.”
What an attitude! Formosa publicly announced they had invested $45 million in
the dumping system. Based on the comment from Formosa’s representative, the
investors believe that they have already paid their money and now are free to
“develop” however they want. Chu later apologized for his comment, but the
damage was done.
真是高傲的姿态! 台塑宣称他们已经投资了4千5百万美元在废水排放系统上。根据
Making things worse, it seemed like Formosa, a multi-national corporation,
had elevated itself even above the Vietnamese government. At the beginning,
state-assigned inspectors were forbidden from entering the Formosa’s land,
based on concerns about confidentiality. Only after the reporters and
citizens raised concerns did Formosa allow the inspectors to take the samples
for testing.
Looking back at Formosa’s record on environmental issues, perhaps it’s not
surprising that 30 tons of fish have died in one week in Vietnam. In 2009,
the Formosa Plastics Group “won” the Black Planet award, a negative “award
” issued by the German foundation Ethecon to individuals and companies
engaging in environmental destruction (a fellow “winner” is Monsanto,
which, along with Dow Chemical, manufactured the infamous Agent Orange).
While making a great contribution to the industrialization and economic
development of Taiwan, Formosa Plastics Group has also earned a bad
reputation for harming the environment. In the United States, in Texas and
Louisiana, Formosa factories were found to have dumped toxins into the land
and groundwater, and even the Mississippi River. In 2009, Formosa was fined
$2.8 million dollars by the EPA to resolve environmental problems in Texas
and Louisiana.
小怪。在2009年,台塑就已经赢得黑色地球奖- 一个由地球公民基金会颁发,给参与
In 1998, Formosa Plastic dumped 3,000 tons of waste (containing mercury) in
in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. When residents fell ill (five later died), it
sparked riots. Roughly 1,000 citizens fled their homes and marched on Phnom
Penh. The Cambodian government later sued Formosa for bribing the local
government with $4 million to be allowed to dump the waste; 30 local
officials were forced to resign.
A similar situation seems to be repeating in Vietnam. It has been almost one
month since the first fish deaths, but the government has been slow to react
and there seem to be no signs of an effective solution.