Most adult English learners of average ability
make the introduction like this:
My name is Kevin. I am twenty eight years old.
I graduated from OPQ university, majoring in
math. In fact, I just became a substitute teacher
last summer. I like this job because I can
meet lots of cute kids and help them with schoolwork.
I hope to be a teacher in my whole life.
Sounds good?
No! The paragraph is not well-organized and in plain
English. Introducing yourself in this way is an
elementary task, nothing fancy. It is difficult
for the paragraph to appeal to your audience.
I bet you will be proud of yourself and impress others
if you can make the introduction in this way.
My name is Kevin. Since gaining a university degree in math,
I have had plenty of good memories, at least including
leading an active university life and succeeding in
several job interviews in the face of stiff competition.
Finally, entering the teaching profession as a substitude teacher
made one of my childhood dreams come true. Now, in my late twenties,
I am proud of myself and hopefully day by day I will be more capable of
helping kids to achieve academic success.
I am eager to share such a reward experience with you all.
Thank you and have a pleasant day.
I didn't use words and sentenes that are fancy, yet this is
an improved version that deserves people's praise.
Now, I am keen on teaching you the secrets free of charge forever.
You may post something here to tell others your learning experience.
However, this is optional and you won't do this until you finish
all the lessons.
The class size is six.
Starting from 8, September, 2018,
Every Saturday afternoon from 13:00 to 15:00,
伯朗咖啡馆科大店 near the exit of 忠孝新生 metro station.
Fill in this form to enrol:
Your age range(ex. 20~25, 26~30, 31~35):
Your background(ex. a math teacher):
How many people will attend the class together:
and more importantly,
if you are a special eduation teacher,
you will have a high priority.
Finally, my apology for making a few mistakes
in this post on purpose for some reason.