xiezl (xzl)
2022-11-30 11:27:48【本周整理】
2022/11/27 托福独立写作题目 (大陆考区) 是
"Imagine that people in your community have been asked to decide how to spend public money over the next year. One option for spending the money is to modernize and expand a public library. The other option is to renovate a bus station and increase the number of bus lines that connect the community with other areas. Which of the two options would you support and why?"
如果没有时间看全文,可以看看这些能上 25 分的词语,将来针对适当主题可以拿来使用:
■ the height of 在高峰期/最严重期
■ distance learning 远距学习
■ pass the time 消磨时间
■ subside 平息/趋缓
■ resume 重新开始/复工复学
■ transportation facilities 交通设施
■ in terms of 根据
■ library/school/work hours 图书馆开放/上课/上班 时间
■ access 使用
■ a slew of 许多
■ efficiency of use 使用效益
■ in one's multitudes 大量
■ carbon emission 碳排放
■ negative environmental impacts 不良的环境影响
■ carbon footprint 碳足迹
■ be at stake 生死关头;危急存亡之秋
■ outweigh 较重要
■ facilitate 有助于
■ a win-win situation all around 皆大欢喜的多赢局面
■ impetus 刺激
■ can hardly match it 难以望其项背
■ illustrate 说明解释
■ allocate 配置
祝大家 托福写作 25+