想问一下一些进阶总泵都有 活塞x距离 的规格可以选 例如19x18、19x20 前面活塞直径相对直观 但对于距离的部分没答案,假设活塞规格固定下, 到底哪一种距离选择会属于"软Q" 或是 "死硬" 自己画了一张图,还是没有答案,不知道有没有高手可以分享一下 最简单就直接两总都实际测试,不过没这样的资源 https://imgur.com/Qf3PWzj 初步想法同样按压行程下 距离近: 活塞位移少 => 油量少、反应迟钝 杠杆倍率大 => 力道强 距离远 活塞位移大 => 油量多、反应敏感 杠杆倍率小 => 力道弱 网络上看到一些资料,但还是有点模糊 这是MOTO MADNESS 上面看到的解释 What Do These Numbers Really Mean? Cylinder diameter 1. As you increase your cylinder diameter you increase the volume of fluid. By doing this, you are decreasing the pressure which results in less braking power but better feel. 2. The trade-off is that since your increasing the sensitivity of the lever your decreasing the braking power which we will now discuss in the 2nd number Pivot Point 1. As you increase the pivot point, the sensitivity is increasing but your breaking power is now decreasing. 2. By increasing this number, the pivot point is larger and now you have reduced your leverage 这是Youotube Moto7 看到的说法 https://reurl.cc/Yq4zma