H2 (oh!my志玲)
2023-07-31 11:38:21结果高盛直接sell改成buy囉
Mediatek (2454): Earnings review:
Fundamentals bottoming out; 3Q23 as an inflection point; upgrade to Buy from Sell; TP to NT$770 from NT$605: GS Bruce Lu upgraded MTK from Sell to Buy as he believes MediaTek has reached an inflection point in 3Q23 with the global smartphone market and expect its revenue to resume growth momentum in the next 12-18 months. Bruce also views MediaTek as a potential beneficiary from the Al trend from a longer-term perspective given its competency in the edge computing space such as ASICs and peripheral ICs.
※ 引述《popo123456 (可仔)》之铭言:
: 新闻来源:中时
: 网址
: https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20230729000112-260202?chdtv
: 近十季新低 联发科Q2获利腰斩 EPS仅10.07元
: 04:102023/07/29
: 工商时报 张珈睿
: https://i.imgur.com/Fxj7aGN.jpg
: IC设计大厂联发科28日召开法说会,宣布第二季税后纯益160.19亿元,获利砍半,EPS 1
: 蔡力行并指出,联发科WiFi 7解决方案已在第二季上市,下半年将分别有高端笔记型电?
: 联发科第三季财测展望,合并营收1,021~1,089亿元,季增4%~11%,与去年相比,仍
: 受到全球手机需求不振的影响,第二季税后纯益160.19亿元,年减55%,毛利率47.5%?
: 蔡力行还提到,已看到客户库存达健康水位。第二季财报库存水准持续下降,季减11.84
: 联发科近期将推出旗舰级芯片,并整合最新APU,将具备能够在手机上执行生成式AI的能
: 联发科认为,时间点到,人们还是需要换新手机。未来公司积极让4G转换至5G入门款、5
: 针对AI市场布局,蔡力行表示,ASIC目前仅间接AI营收,尚未有直接的挹注。联发科有?
: 车用市场布局方面,蔡力行强调,与辉达成为伙伴关系感到非常兴奋,联发科将把NVIDI
: ……
: EPS创10季新低、毛利也新低,有点惨