nangle (帅胖汪汪)
2021-03-15 17:27:45※ 引述《mywade (mywade)》之铭言:
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: : 原文标题:彭博:拜登推下个经济计画 将搭配1993年来最大加税案
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: : 原文连结:
: : https://bit.ly/3tkWi62
Biden Eyes First Major Tax Hike Since 1993 in Next Economic Plan
(Bloomberg) — President Joe Biden is planning the first major federal tax
hike since 1993 to help pay for the long-term economic program designed as a
follow-up to his pandemic-relief bill, according to people familiar with the
Unlike the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 stimulus act, the next initiative, which is
expected to be even bigger, won’t rely just on government debt as a funding
source. While it’s been increasingly clear that tax hikes will be a
component — Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said at least part of the
next bill will have to be paid for, and pointed to higher rates — key
advisers are now making preparations for a package of measures.
With each tax break and credit having its own lobbying constituency to back
it, tinkering with rates is fraught with political risk. That helps explain
why tax hikes since Bill Clinton’s signature 1993 overhaul stands out from
the modest modifications done since.
For the Biden administration, the planned changes are an opportunity not just
to fund key initiatives like infrastructure, climate and expanded help for
poorer Americans, but also to address what Democrats argue are inequities in
the tax system itself. The plan will test both Biden’s capacity to woo
Republicans and Democrats’ ability to remain unified.
“His whole outlook has always been that Americans believe tax policy needs
to be fair, and he has viewed all of his policy options through that lens,”
said Sarah Bianchi, head of U.S. public policy at Evercore ISI and a former
economic aide to Biden. “That is why the focus is on addressing the unequal
treatment between work and wealth.”
While the White House has rejected an outright wealth tax, as proposed by
progressive Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, the administration’s
current thinking does target the wealthy.
The White House is expected to propose a suite of tax increases, mostly
mirroring Biden’s 2020 campaign proposals, according to four people familiar
with the discussions.
The tax hikes included in any broader infrastructure and jobs package are
likely to include repealing portions of President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax
law that benefit corporations and wealthy individuals, as well as making
other changes to make the tax code more progressive, said the people familiar
with the plan.
The following are among proposals currently planned or under consideration,
according to the people, who asked not to be named as the discussions are
Raising the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%Paring back tax preferences for
so-called pass-through businesses, such as limited-liability companies or
partnershipsRaising the income tax rate on individuals earning more than
$400,000Expanding the estate tax’s reachA higher capital-gains tax rate for
individuals earning at least $1 million annually. (Biden on the campaign
trail proposed applying income-tax rates, which would be higher)
An independent analysis of the Biden campaign tax plan done by the Tax Policy
Center estimated it would raise $2.1 trillion over a decade, though the
administration’s plan is likely to be smaller. Bianchi earlier this month
wrote that congressional Democrats might agree to $500 billion.
The overall program has yet to be unveiled, with analysts penciling in $2
trillion to $4 trillion. No date has yet been set for an announcement, though
the White House said the plan would follow the signing of the Covid-19 relief
An outstanding question for Democrats is which parts of the package need to
be funded, amid debate over whether infrastructure ultimately pays for itself
— especially given current borrowing costs, which remain historically low.
Efforts to make the expanded child tax credit in the pandemic-aid bill
permanent — something with a price tag estimated at more than $1 trillion
over a decade — could be harder to sell if pitched as entirely debt-financed.
What Bloomberg’s Economists Say…
“The next major legislative initiative, infrastructure investment, could
provide the sort of durable economic gains that not only support higher pay,
but promote diffusion of those gains across demographic lines and political
–Andrew Husby and Eliza Winger, U.S. economists
For the full report, click here
Democrats would need at least 10 Republicans to back the bill to move it
under regular Senate rules. But GOP members are signaling they are prepared
to fight.
“We’ll have a big robust discussion about the appropriateness of a big tax
increase,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said last month,
predicting Democrats would pursue a reconciliation bill that forgoes the GOP
and would aim for a corporate tax even higher than 28%.
Kevin Brady, the top Republican on the House Ways & Means Committee, said, “
There seems to a be a real drive to tax investment of capital gains at
marginal income rates,” and called that a “terrible economic mistake.”
While about 18% of the George W. Bush administration’s tax cuts were allowed
to expire in a 2013 deal, and other legislation has seen some increases in
levies, 1993 marks the last comprehensive set of increases, experts say. That
bill passed on a two-vote margin in the House and required the vice president
to break a tie in the Senate.
“I don’t think it is an understatement to say the current partisan
environment is more severe than 1993” said Ken Kies, managing director of
the Federal Policy Group, a former chief of staff of the congressional Joint
Committee on Taxation. “So you can draw your own conclusions” about
prospects for a deal this year, he said.
Still, there could be some tax initiatives Republicans could get behind. One
is a shift from a gasoline tax to a vehicle-miles-traveled fee to help fund
highway projects.
Read More: By-the-Mile Vehicle Tax to Help Fund Infrastructure Gains Steam
Another is more money for Internal Revenue Service enforcement — a way to
boost revenue without raising rates. Estimates have found that for every
additional $1 spent on IRS audits, the agency brings in an additional $3 to
Democrats are also looking to revise tax laws that they say don’t do enough
to stop U.S. companies from shifting jobs and profits offshore as another way
to raise revenue, one aide said. Republicans could potentially support
incentives, though it’s unclear whether they’d back penalties.
White House officials including deputy director of the National Economic
Council, David Kamin — who wrote a 2019 paper on “Taxing the Rich” — are
in the process of fleshing out the Biden tax plans.
As for timing, if passed, tax measures would likely take effect in 2022 —
though some lawmakers and Biden supporters outside the administration have
argued for holding off while unemployment remains high due to the pandemic.
Lawmakers have their own ideas for tax reforms. Senate Finance Committee
Chairman Ron Wyden wants to consolidate energy tax breaks and require
investors to pay taxes regularly on their investments including stocks and
bonds that have unrealized gains.
“A nurse pays taxes with every single paycheck. A billionaire in an affluent
suburb on the other hand can defer paying taxes month after month to the
point where their paying taxes is pretty much optional,” Wyden told
Bloomberg in an interview. “I don’t think that’s right.”
Warren has pitched a wealth tax, while House Financial Services Committee
Chair Maxine Waters has said she would like to consider a
financial-transaction tax.
Democratic strategists see the next package as effectively the last chance to
reshape the U.S. economy on a grand scale before lawmakers turn to the 2022
mid-term campaign.
“Normally, the party in power gets one or two shots to do major legislative
packages,” said Chuck Marr, senior director of Federal Tax Policy at the
left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. “This is the next shot.
c 2021 Bloomberg L.P.
(彭博社)—知情人士说,总统拜登(Joe Biden)计划自1993年以来首次进行重大联邦
务作为资金来源。 尽管越来越明显的是加税将是其中的一个组成部分 — 财政部长珍妮
特‧耶伦(Janet Yellen)表示,至少下一部分法案将必须支付,并指出了更高的税率
— 主要顾问现在正在为整体配套措施做准备 。
险。 这有助于解释为什么自从比尔‧克林顿(Bill Clinton)于1993年进行大刀阔斧的
。 该计划将测试拜登吸引共和党的能力和民主党党内保持团结的能力。
ISI Evercore ISI美国公共政策负责人,拜登前经济助手莎拉‧比安奇(Sarah Bianchi
审视了他的所有政策选择。” 。 “这就是为什么重点放在解决工作与财富之间的不平等
正如进步民主党参议员伊丽莎白‧沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)提议的那样,白宫拒绝了彻
收入至少100万美元的个人提高税率。 (竞选活动中的拜登建议采用所得税率,该税率更
-美国经济学家安德鲁‧休斯比(Andrew Husby)和伊丽莎‧温格(Eliza Winger)
参议院少数党领袖米奇‧麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)上个月表示:“就大幅增加税收
众议院筹款委员会最高的共和党人凯文‧布雷迪(Kevin Brady)表示:“似乎确实在以
另一个是为执行国税局增加的资金 - 一种在不提高利率的情况下增加收入的方法。估计
白宫官员,包括国家经济委员会副主任戴维‧卡明(David Kamin)-正在撰写拜登(
至于时间安排,如果获得通过,税收措施可能会在2022年生效 - 尽管政府之外的一些立
议员们对税收改革有自己的想法。参议院财政委员会主席罗恩‧怀登(Ron Wyden)希望
乎可以选择的程度,”怀登在接受彭博社采访时说。 “我认为那是不对的。”
沃伦提出了一项财产税,而众议院金融服务委员会主席马克西‧沃特斯(Maxine Waters
点中心,联邦税收政策机构的高级主管查克‧马尔(Chuck Marr)说。 “这是下一个机
c 2021彭博L.P.