cokelon (cokelon)
2015-05-20 08:35:13https://www.humblebundle.com/store
Shovel Knight $9.99 , Flash Deal
Worms Blast $0.99 , Daily Deal
Crypt of the NecroDancer $10.04
Dreamfall Chapters Season Pass $17.99
Octodad: Dadliest Catch $3.74
Papers, Please $2.99
Gang Beasts (Early Access) $13.39
Outlast: Whistleblower $2.24
Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves $2.99
Dustforce $0.99
Teslagrad $2.49
Reversi $1.99
Stranded $1.99
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet $2.99
Crimsonland $4.19
140 $0.99
Risk of Rain $2.49
SteamWorld Dig $2.49
Qora $5.49
Train Fever $11.89
Arcadecraft $2.49
Memoria $5.99
Serious Sam 2 $0.99
Saturday Morning RPG $0.59
Survivor Squad $0.80
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter $1.99
Wooden Sen'SeY $1.49
Kraven Manor $2.49
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter $1.49
Gauge $0.59
QuestRun $1.79
Serious Sam Double D XXL $0.99
Isbarah $9.37
Infinifactory (Early Access) $16.74
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter $0.49
Urban Trial Freestyle $0.99
Deponia: The Complete Journey $13.59
The Inner World $2.99
Bardbarian $1.19
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav $4.99
Shadowcrypt $7.99
Toki Tori 2+ $1.49
The Last Tinker: City of Colors $6.79
Full Mojo Rampage $6.49
Ether One Deluxe $8.99
Ether One $4.99
1849 $4.49
Solar Flux $0.99
Kromaia $6.79
Back to Bed $2.99
Noir Syndrome $2.09
Metal Dead $0.99
cokelon (cokelon)
2015-05-20 08:49:00\Cevi/
[偷渡]CSGO + Grid Autosport 换 Shovel Knight XDDD
timyau (timyau)
2015-05-20 09:07:00山姆大叔也太多款了...
D666 (Sordon)
2015-05-20 10:02:00早安一堆 可以开始等安可日了 XD
han72 2015-05-20 10:58:00啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
山姆1st跟2nd爽度超高 就算手残也可以打中敌人
timyau (timyau)
2015-05-20 16:27:00被楼上推了一把XD...以前有玩过旧版,现在两款都买会玩吗~
作者: KaguyaNEET 2015-05-20 21:53:00
山姆大叔买复刻版(HD 1st 2nd)与3代就好可以的话各自的dlc也要入手
timyau (timyau)
2015-05-21 15:27:00已买1st, 2nd,玩起来好欢乐 XD 我记得1的最后结局很鸟~