how about casino business, ever considering it before?
have you ever heard hidden markov chain? how is your knowledge in
advanced math? (Math is a huge world, but I don't think Taiwaness needs it,
but someone else in this world will desperately need it. I think you should
know that since you are a Math pro (I assumed!))
they are hiring w/ good cash but the problem of that business is they are
no so trasparent and with very limited information to others.
Also, some business in trading (like stock market or commodity business)
will require a lot of math and software engineering background. The nearest
hiring vacancies located in HongKong/Mainland China/Singapore, but those
company are hard to get in, you need to compete w/ a lot of elites around the
Don't waste your time here, move forward. The econmic state of our country
isn't that well right now. But if you look forward to other corner in our
world, there is always be chances there.
Skip those "shiny" web job. Find the war you can make best of.
A guy who is deep trap in the hell of
Linear Algerbra/Calculus.
Nice article. I bet he'll skip it whole.
xxi511 (少北)
2018-09-24 15:06:00讲中文啦,英文不好看不懂啦QQ
undersky (undersky)
2018-09-24 15:10:00坏欸 我也下意识忽略直到看见推文。
neo5277 (I am an agent of chaos)
2018-09-24 15:10:00可是计算不一定能打败大盘啊等等会不会有前端说不符来战XD
楼主: sleep1999 (忙忙忙) 2018-09-24 15:11:00
hahaha, that's EXACTLY what I want.
alihue (wanda wanda)
2018-09-24 15:14:00I think your recommendation is not suitable for 原po.Your advices are for advanced job seekers.
Thanks your helpful opinions, but I think he won’t understand it.
loadingN (sarsaparilla)
2018-09-24 15:18:00大致上认同,117资工可以试试看
我有很好的数学底 但我也一样找不到那些工作 我觉得你的建议不是很实用
I also don't think he'll ever have enough softskills to be considered for an I-bank job.
kain777 (想妳在0:01分)
2018-09-24 15:35:00这类工作台湾很少 要只能去大陆 香港
I would also doubt if he can ever think in UXterms to be of any value in the casino business.
那些要求数学之类的软件工作机会 在台湾多吗?感觉很吃学经历
boyen3 (Mentirosa!!)
2018-09-24 15:38:00你这样好像要一个刚学会写程式的跑去应征google...
一般来说 I-bank希望你的硕士是MPhil而不是MSc但也有听说过不少本课数学的跑出去当I-Bank不用加班
楼主: sleep1999 (忙忙忙) 2018-09-24 15:45:00
fixed last paragraph... sorry for web devs :)
作者: aimjvc (allen) 2018-09-24 16:15:00
TAKADO (朕没给的你不能抢)
2018-09-24 16:39:00台湾大环境就不太在乎软件产业,大部分顶尖人才跟资金都往硬件跟代工那边流了。
jimmy689 (å‰ç±³è›†è›†)
2018-09-24 18:07:00结果做黑产还是写web,ㄏ