※ 引述《WolfLord (呆呆小狼)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《musashi0839 (常山七次郎)》之铭言:
: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w96oTapYTKk
: : 贾伯斯自己会coding吗?
: 会,而且是ASM甚至是直接的用方格纸写机器码,但是后来写得不多。
: : 明明就是技术上有困难,提出来一下也不行吗?
: 不行,企业就是要钻钱。商业不正确比技术不正确更致命。
: : 为什么不能好好沟通,一定要这么凶呢?
: 众所周知,他曾是条毒虫。而磕过药的人情绪管理机能经常是永久受损状态。
: : 身为顶尖Programer的各位有什么看法?
: 只要给我钱,我就一定把问题搞定。不论是假象还是真的,总之一定符合商业
: 要求。当然,前提是预算充足,绝对充足,而且还要有备援预算可以供业务单
: 位神来一笔所需的紧急REWORK。
: : 自己有遇过类似的情况吗?
: 经常碰到啊~
: 在美国工作时,我通常随便老板骂。反正我弄出什么帐单他一定买单,而且周
: 五还会赶我回家,然后每天比劳工局还勤劳劳检,还严禁WORK TAKE HOME。 (
: 他会突击检查,尤其是台湾过去的工程师。下班工作白天就扣工时(不是扣钱,
: 是禁止你上班的总时数) 减少你的计薪时间。) 然后真的要赶工反而要提简报
: 说服他这是必须的。更重要的是,人家每周五准时发薪,绝不牵拖。
: 然后再台湾麻~~ 通常我是先拒绝再说,WHY ? as YOU KNOW....
我不晓得你的资料哪里来的,但是根据大部分查到的资料来说,Steve Jobs要不是
Bill Gates相差甚远,这也是Bill Gates看不起Jobs的地方之一,因为Jobs尽管懂
Paul King, 一位在NeXT工作过两年的工程师说:
Bill Gates' reputation is that he was an excellent coder in his
day, and technically astute and incisive throughout his time
leading Microsoft. In college (at Harvard), Bill Gates and Paul
Allen wrote a full BASIC language interpreter in assembly language
for a computer they didn't even have access to and which had only
4000 bytes of memory. They wrote it on a PDP-10 at Harvard that
was running an Intel 8080 emulator. Bill Gates once said that he
remembered every technical detail and variable name of those early
programs, although surely that would not be true today.
Bill Gates是一名顶尖的工程师,他在哈佛大学期间就跟Paul Allen(拓荒者
没有那台电脑的授权,那台电脑只有4000 bytes的内存,无论从任何角度
来说,Bill Gates都是一名电脑程式天才。
Steve Jobs was never a programmer. He was a product visionary,
astute businessman, and excellent if eccentric salesman. It was
Steve Wozniak who built the Apple I while Steve promoted it. That
said (from my experience working at his company NeXT), Steve had
an amazing knack for understanding technical concepts and how they
could be relevant. While he had never programmed, his technical
people convinced him of the revolutionary power of object-oriented
programming. As a result, he made object-oriented design the
central theme of the NeXT machine and he developed a great sales
pitch for its ability to reduce code bulk: "The line of code you
don't write is the line of code you never have to debug."
Steve Jobs从来不是一个程式设计师,他有产品大局观,是精明的生意人。
真正建立Apple I的是Wozniak而Jobs则负责行销。而在我(作者)在NeXT
“Steve Jobs不会写code,他可能有写过一点code,但也很有可能他没有写