ckTHU (XD)
2017-10-10 23:57:46※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1PtErV5f ]
作者: ckTHU (XD) 看板: Gossiping
标题: [FB] 台湾的区域均衡与民主发展(三)
时间: Tue Oct 10 23:55:06 2017
FB卦点说明:2015 每人平均与中位数可支配所得按区域别分 & 中低收入户数
★☆发钱☆★,望更多人关心台湾,且关注这块土地的 区域均衡 及 首都机能 议题
本版每 5 推 30p 至 20 名,至 6:00 am
Calling for regional balance and democratic development in Taiwan - Part 3
§ 台湾的区域收入倾斜与贫富差距
§ Regional income gap and the gap between the rich and poor in Taiwan
图 C 是台湾 2015 年各区域的可支配所得及人口数,台北市可支配所得
远高出于其他直辖市。图 D 的中低收入户及其比率,中部的南投、彰化县,
不过总体而言,从图表可看出行政区划(Administrative division)离台北市越远,
贫富落差越大。台北市的人均可支配所得,是人均最低的嘉义县的 1.755 倍。
Figure C shows the disposable income and corresponding population of
Taiwan in each administrative region in 2015. It can be seen that the
disposable income of Taipei is much higher than that of other municipals.
In Figure D, it can be seen that the number of low-income households and
their ratio in respective regions are relatively higher in the central
such as Nantou County, Changhua County, southern municipal Kaohsiung City,
Tainan City, Chiayi County, Pingtung County, and Taitung County.
As the chart demonstrates, the further an administrative division is from
Taipei City, the greater the gap between the rich and poor.
Taipei’s per capita disposable income is 1.755 times as compared to
Chiayi County, the lowest per capita in Taiwan. Every year,
numerous petitions are made to the central government seeking for new
policies to improve the economy of the central and southern counties.
Nonetheless, the abundant industrial parks and numerous industrial parks
are still unable to improve the situation of regional economic imbalances.
※ 图 C:各县市人口数【 3 】、每人平均与中位数可支配所得按区域别分。
1 USD = 30.79 NTD【 8 , 9 】
※ Figure C: Population of each region【 3 】, per capita disposable income.
1 USD = 30.79 NTD【 8 , 9 】
※ 图 D:2016 年 第 1 季-各县市中低收入户数与其占比。【 10 】
※ Figure D: Number of low-and-middle-income households per region in
first quarter 2016【 10 】