他可以写 你也可以写
具了解 人员具有中国公安背景
※ 引述《mself (mself)》之铭言:
: CNN iReport 里最新一则的留言大意是:
: 1. 苹果日报不正派、以报导扭曲的事实出名
: 2. 入住饭店的当事人违法、犯规
: 3. 入住饭店的当事人形迹可疑、当时可能正在房内安装、制造炸弹
: 留言者的说词跟诺富特的声明几乎一致
: 我只觉得这根本是误导焦点的谬论
: 以下是原文
: There is no media in Taiwan that is fact checked. appledaily is notorious for
: writing biased reports and their credibility is no better than gossip
: magazines.
: 2 people checked in two rooms. at midnight 5 more people entered the hotel
: and stayed in the room. there are video footage that these people were using
: stairwells reserved for fire escape. the hotel tried to contact the room by
: phone and there was no answer. they went to the door and ask the guests to
: identify themselves and register as per hotel policy and the guests refused
: to open the door or comply.
: 1. 7 people tried to stay in one room. these are cheapskates. they not broke
: the law 'defrauding the innkeeper' and they exceed maximum occupancy allowed
: for the room.
: 2. an foreign government official is staying in the hotel. these people acted
: suspiciously, broke the law, and refused hotel's request to comply with hotel
: policies. Imagine Obama staying at the hotel. i'm sure the FBI would have
: done the same thing. these people could be been building a bomb inside their
: room.