1.暗黑4 参战PRO~~~
RodFergusson 回应的
I've been getting this question quite a bit recently and I'm happy to say
that Diablo IV and Vessel of Hatred will indeed be PS5 Pro Enhanced! Very
proud of our hardworking team to make this happen. More details at a later
2.ign有访问 魔物三太子
The PlayStation 5 Pro has divided fans since it was announced in September,
and game developers have differing outlooks on the new premium console as
Speaking with the developers behind Sonic the Hedgehog and Monster Hunter
Wilds during Tokyo Game Show 2024 last weekend, each expressed interest in
the added power the PS5 Pro affords. But when it comes to what it means for
their individual games, their opinions start to diverge.
Monster Hunter series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto errs on the positive side,
saying that Wilds team knew they definitely wanted to support the PS5 Pro as
soon as they learned about it. Developed on the powerful RE Engine, Monster
Hunter has lately been known for its graphical prowess, making the PS5 Pro a
natural fit.
※ 引述《happy1b1c (我不是英雄)》之铭言:
: 这光追好像可以
: 看起来差很多
: 开起来不知道多少FPS吧?
: 来源 卡布空FB https://www.facebook.com/CapcomTW
: 《Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster》将推出PS5 Pro增强模式!
: 2024东京电玩展《Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster》宣布将支持“PS5 Pro Enhanced”。
: 将透过PlayStation®5 PRO的最新技术进行的软件更新,游戏图中可以看到光线追踪功能
: 开启和关闭的差异,提供更加丰富的游戏体验。
: https://imgur.com/9eZT2QD
: https://imgur.com/P6knjEy
: 补一下 之前sony放的影片 好像有小更新
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8WUK59YYJ0
: ※ 引述《happy1b1c (我不是英雄)》之铭言:
: : PS5 PRO游戏强化清单更新
: : 其实也不是秘密
: : 只是没想到多了 期待已久的野球魂啊!!!
: : 这种大家口中提升不明显的烂机器 我牺牲自己买了一台 首发日测试看看~
: : https://imgur.com/Z8CY95Z
: : store可以找找
: : https://imgur.com/nDzOnTh