GayBowl (............)
2014-07-04 18:22:07Yoshida: I don't understand people who only want AAA
吉田修平:我不懂为何人们只想要3A级大作 (旧的错误标题)
Matthew Handrahan
Another E3, another victory for Sony in its battle with Microsoft. In the
past, it has been easy to dismiss the so-called 'console war' as a
confection; a narrative created by and played out in the media to keep its
audience engaged.
There may still be some truth to that idea, but in both this E3 and the last
Sony has been all too happy to compare and contrast its policies to those of
its rival, even as the team in green largely abstained from doing so. As a
journalist, you get used to companies refusing to comment on their rivals as
a matter of policy. Well, not any more. It may not be a war, exactly, but
whatever it is Sony has a strong sense that it's winning.
Despite Sony's ongoing supremacy, however, the E3 press conferences were met
with a good deal of criticism, with the levels of violence and brutality on
display chief among the concerns. Even the most cursory Google search returns
rants and jeremiads from Polygon, Game Informer, the San Jose Mercury and
GamesRadar among many, many others. This sort of analysis seems to have
intensified in the last few years, but when I put that idea to Sony's Shuhei
Yoshida, president of Worldwide Studios, he just smiles and shakes his head.
管事的Google搜寻也传回了Polygon、Game Informer、the San Jose Mercury以及
"I do realise there are certain reactions like that, but that's nothing new
to me. What's important is the variety that we're offering," he says, still
buoyant after being presented with the Award of Honour at Barcelona's Gamelab
conference the previous night.
"I was very happy to get a very positive reaction when we announced
LittleBigPlanet 3. We are concerned a little bit when we work on a game like
LittleBigPlanet 3, about how people will react, because people want those
big-budget, realistic, military shooters. But there were lots of cheers, a lot
of affection.
"And the reaction to Nintendo's games in general, or a game like Splatoon. If
you look at the whole industry, and you consider Nintendo, I think the
balance is actually better than past years."
Amidst the hand-wringing over the ratio of severed heads to female presenters
it's easy to lose sight of the kind of games that now occupy space on Sony's
stage. Would No Man's Sky have been given the opportunity to steal column
inches from the likes of Call of Duty and Far Cry even three or four years
ago? Go back another four and it's worth asking if something as peaceable and
sanguine as Hello Games' widely lauded space exploration title would have
existed at all.
For Yoshida, gathering and understanding the complaints of the press and
public has always been a part of the job, but, in general, he sees more
reasons for console gamers to be cheerful than ever before.
Nevertheless, 'better' doesn't necessarily mean good enough, and the sheer
ubiquity of communication channels has made it easier than ever for the press
and the public to air unvarnished, unbridled criticisms. The apparent
dissatisfaction with the prominence of violent games at the E3 conferences
speaks to a larger perceived problem with AAA games on the new generation of
consoles: in simple terms, there aren't enough of them, certainly not from
Sony and Microsoft's first-party studios, and those that are coming feel all
too familiar.
In that sense, Sony's very public outreach to independent developers has
proved invaluable. At this point, just how smart a purchasing decision would
the PlayStation 4 seem without Transistor, Don't Starve, Outlast and their
ilk? Indeed, with Uncharted 4 and The Order: 1886 - arguably the most
anticipated of the PS4's AAA exclusives - not due for release until some
time next year, it's worth asking whether Sony's concerted effort to push
indie content over the last 12 months was in part down to filling the gap.
Once again, Yoshida shakes his head and smiles.
占据了SONY当下的舞台。若是三、四年前,No Man's Sky有机会在Call of Duty、Far
Cry等游戏身上抢到一点版面吗?再更往回一点,更值得问的是,像Hello Games这款和平
Transistor、Don't Starve、Outlast等游戏,那此时此刻买PS4会是个好决定吗?确实,
秘境4和The Order: 1886,两个PS4最受瞩目的3A独占大作,要到明年才会发行;这是否
"That's not why, but that's the end result of having great indie games as
well. Almost every week you see an indie game coming out digitally on PS4.
Some of them are really, really interesting, beautiful games," he says.
"We're fortunate that they're creating games on PS4, and some of them are
choosing to launch their console versions on PlayStation first.
It's fortunate. It really helps.
"When you compare it to the launch of PS3, we had a very small number of
digital games. They were very limited in terms of numbers, and many of them
were arcade classics at that time. Now, they're original concepts.
"I hear complaints [about the lack of AAA games]. I do realise that some
people are only interested in big-budget AAA games. I don't really understand
those people. I don't know if they've tried some of the indie games and
decided they're not interested. Maybe they haven't even tried. That's a key
question. With Resogun, which we offered for free for a long time on PS Plus,
not every PS Plus member downloaded it, and that's a great, great game.
That's a key question for us."
New hardware implies new experiences, and while we're used to looking to the
biggest, most expensive games to find that originality, there's a growing
sense that, this time, the new experience will be more fundamental. As I talk
to Yoshida, the most distinctive new experience of this generation seems to be
choice: what to play, how to play it, how much it costs, and who you share it
with. The games may well be familiar, but the structure around them has
changed irrevocably.
With that in mind, PlayStation Now seems like a gilt-edged opportunity for
Sony to pull even further away from the pack, offering its users a breadth
and immediacy of choice that neither Nintendo nor Microsoft has any obvious
plans to rival. Already in closed beta and scheduled to enter open beta in
the US and Canada at the end of this month, the nascent cloud service has
the seductive potential to be the Netflix or Spotify of gaming. At the very
least, Yoshida says, that is Sony's intention.
循着这个概念,PS NOW似乎是SONY再往前一步,提供用户广泛且直接选择的绝佳机会,而
这是任天堂或微软都尚无计画之事。PS NOW在这个月底即将于美加公测,这项云端服务有
"We have the vision of bringing hundreds and thousands of PlayStation games
to every screen," he says, cautiously. "That's the vision, but we're taking
one step at a time. There's investment in the server farm, the tech, internet
latency and bandwidth. We have to start from somewhere.
"Wifi is a challenge. Typically, we recommend 5mbps for 720p quality. That's
a challenge, especially in some markets. But we also view it as a matter of
time, because the infrastructure just gets better and better."
That's almost certainly true, but PlayStation Now's business model remains a
prominent and potentially ruinous issue. Reports of pricing in the beta have
been what can be charitably described as "schizophrenic," varying from game
to game and with price-points for everything from a few hours to three months'
rental. In the most egregious examples, renting a game for a few months
actually costs more than buying it outright on the PlayStation Store. Yoshida
quite rightly describes PlayStation Now as a work-in-progress, but even at
this early stage it's clear that a lot of work needs to be done, and, with
publishers heavily involved in setting the prices, there is reasonable doubt
over whether the industry has the courage of its convictions.
Spotify and Netflix have proved that, when it comes to entertainment
streaming services, there's a huge audience out there for the one-price,
all-you-can-eat approach, and it seems unlikely that games will be treated as
a special case. To put it bluntly, the market may already have spoken, and
Yoshida insists that Sony is listening.
这看来没什么问题,但PS NOW的商业模式仍有个显著且重大的问题-Beta版的订价可以说
店上买数位版还贵。吉田修平表示,PS NOW仍在测试中,而在这个阶段很明显的还有许多
"We don't know yet," he says about the possibility of a Netflix-esque model
for PlayStation Now. "We have been saying that we're looking at doing a
subscription model, in addition to rental. Or vice versa: rental in addition
to subscription. We're calling it a beta still, and we'll call it that even
after it launches in the US and Canada at the end of July. It will still be
called an open beta, because we expect it to keep changing in many ways.
People are jumping to conclusions.
"I saw some people saying that PS Now is dead on arrival," he laughs, then
there's that shake of the head again. "So... it's feedback. This is a
long-term strategy for us, and every reaction is valuable."
对于PS NOW是否会采用Netflix的商业模式,吉田修平说到“我们还在研究。我们正试着
“我看到有些人说PS NOW还未上场就挂了。嗯,这也是意见回馈,PS NOW是我们的长期策