OverseaJob (Oversea_Job 版匿名 ID)
2017-06-11 14:45:10本文为匿名代po 请勿回信
以前受到不少帮助, 不过就职已经过了一段不短时间, 尽量就记忆所及
提供一些资讯. 有错请见谅.
1. 技术性
- Two sum in one pass[1].
- How do you design a scalable short url architecture?
- Finding duplicate elements in an array.
- Please explain Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Collector.
- Binary search.
- In Linux, what tool do you use to check memory for a
- What's different between graph and tree?
- How do you imlpement (Java version) HashMap/ HashSet?
- Reverse Polish notation.
- Permutation of a string.
- Find out if a string is palindrome.
- What is deadlock?
- In two threads execution, how can you avoid lock or
synchronization without race condition?
- Give an example where embarassing parallelism won't help
improve preformance.
- Given a relationship of managers, employees, please find the
lowest common ancestor.
- Merge two sorted integer array in one pass[2].
- How do you reshard a database without whole database offline?
- How do you detect a loop in linked list?
- Implement quick sort.
- 8 queens.
2. 非技术性
- What is your greatest failure?
- Waht's the biggest challenge you ever had to overcome?
题目种类很多, 不过Map/ Set 实作, thread safety, 还有 Big O 这类型
另外在找的过程中, 有留意到欧洲柏林有不少机会, 主要是新创公司类型.
履历的内容尽量量化, 例如改善专案程式, 增近效能约X%. 会比只有单纯写改
[1]. https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs9/lectures/04/Two-Sum.pdf
[2]. https://www.quora.com/ \