cepy (pyche)
2022-04-16 10:01:21课程名称︰奈米电子导论
试题 :
1. (4 pts) Please list four basic fabrication processes that can be used in
micro/nano fabrication.
2. (9 pts) Please briefly introduce the process of photolithography.
3. (4 pts) Please name two differences between "positive photoresist" and
"negative photoresist".
4. (8 pts) Please give a general description of the instruments required to
develop nanotechnology-based semiconductor technology? And the related fields
of development? 请大致说明以半导体技术为基础的奈米科技其发展所需的仪器设备? 以
5. (9 pts) How is the energy band formed? (Describe the behavior of electrons.)
In contrast, how is the quantum well formed?
6.(5 pts) Which microcavity can be fabricated on a chip with potentially
the highest quality factor Q?
(a) microsphere, (b) microtoroid, (c) photonic crystal, (d) microdisk.
7. (4 pts) What kind of microcavities will have the highest enhancement of
spontaneous emission?
(a) high Q and large volume, (b) low Q and small volume, (c) high Q and small
volume, (d) low Q and large volume.
8. (4 pts) At which temperature will it be possible to observe the quantum
confinement effect in a semiconductor structure with feature size of 80 nm?
(a) 4K, (b) 273K, (c) 500K, (d) 1000K.
9. (4 pts) Which of the following materials in general has the highest
material gain?
(a) bulk semiconductor, (b) quantum wells, (c) quantum wires, (d) quantum dots.
10. (3 pts) Please give THREE different self-emitting display technologies
11. (2 pts) Please give TWO different non-self-emitting display technologies
12. (4 pts) Many displays nowadays feature a specification of high resolution
(高分辨率), such as a 4K x 2K display or a 440 ppi display. Please explain what
does 4K x 2K mean? What is the meaning of 440 ppi? (hint: angular or spatial
resolution of human eyes/retina)
13. (4 pts) Please explain the meaning of "color gamut" (色域范围) and
"gray level"(灰阶) that are often listed in the specifications of display products.
14. (2 pts) Usually for a display screen, at least tens of images/frames per
second (i.e.,frame rate, 画面更新率) should be provided so that one can see a
continuous, dynamic video presentation.
Please briefly explain the reason/mechanism.
15. (2 pts) Please briefly explain the structure of the liquid crystal device (液
芯片件) and how it functions as an optical switch device in the liquid
crystal displays (LCDs)?
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6.-9.参考解答: (b)(c)(a)(d)