试题 :
1.show that planck's radiation law is proportional to T^x. x = ?
2.express u(v)dv=8pi*h/c^3 v^3/(exp(hv/kT)-1) in terms of lambda.
3.for a particle in one-dimension, use uncertainty principle to find (delta
p) ? and find the minimum average energy ?
4.show that when ux<<1 radiation absorbed in material = Ioux, where u is the
attenuation index, Io is the initial radiation.
5.U=Vo when x>0, U=0 when x<0, particles move along +x-axis with energy E,
find the transmitting rate at x<0 ? at x>0 ?
6.show that <px> - <xp> = hbar/i ?
7.for a particle in one-dimensional box, find the probability between x and x
+ dleta x when n->infinity, which is the same as classical expectation (not
related to x).
8.show that for a particle in one-dimensional box, integrate(psi_m * psi_n *
dx)from (-infinity) to (infinity) = 0. (m!=n)
9.two walls lie on L and -L, two on x and -x, three particles are inside the
three divided space (all in ground state), express total energy E(x) ? find x
for minimum E(x) ?
10.explain Compton effect, also explain the correspondence principle.