[试题] 105-2 郑明燕 机率导论 第四次小考

楼主: Mathmaster (^_^)   2017-06-24 15:52:14
试题 :
Quiz 4 (2017/5/11)
1.(15%) Suppose that 3 balls are chosen without replacement from an urn
consisting 4 white and 6 red balls. Let X equal 1 if the i-th ball selected
is white, and let it equal 0 otherwise. Give the joint probability mass
function of X , X , X .
1 2 3
2. If X and Y are independent exponential random variables with respective
parameters λ , λ .
1 2
(a)(15%) Find the probability density function of Z=X/Y.
(b)(10%) Find P{ X < Y }.
3. Suppose that random vector (X,Y) has a joint probability density function
(pdf) given by
╭ C(y-x)e , if -y<x<y, 0<y<∞,
f(x,y) = │
╰ 0 , otherwise
for some constant C.
(a)(10%) Find the value of the constant C.
(b)(15%) Find the marginal probability density functions of X and Y.
(c)(15%) Find E[X] and E[Y].
4.(20%) Suppose that random vector (X,Y) has a joint pdf given by
╭ 24xy , if 0<x<1, 0<y<1, 0<x+y<1,
f(x,y) = │
╰ 0 , otherwise.
Are X and Y independent?

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