试题 :
一、是非题 (每题3分,共45分;对于以下各叙述,正确的请打O,错误的打X)
1. Regulating and conforming represent extremes on a continuum. An animal may regulate some internal conditions while allowing others to conform to the environment.
2. The simple squamous epithelium lines blood vessels and the air sacs of the lungs, where active transport of nutrients and gases is critical.
3. Innate immunity is developed before exposure to pathogens whose traits are common and recognized by a small set of receptors.
4. Receptor proteins built into the membrane of a nerve cell detect signaling molecules released by other nerve cells.
5. The pH of a solution is defines as the positive logarithm (base 10) of the hydrogen ion concentration.
6. The respiratory surfaces are parabronchi in birds and alveoli in humans.
7. The primary structure of a protein is its sequence of amino acids.
8. Digestion of fats and other lipids begins in the small intestine and relies on the production of bile, a mixture of substances that is made in the gallbladder.
9. Comparisons of minimum metabolic rates reveal that endothermy and ectothermy have different energy costs. And a lower energetic requirement of endothermy is readily apparent.
10. Consuming more calories than the body needs for normal metabolism, or malnourishment, can lead to obesity, the excessive accumulation of fat.
11. An encounter with an antigen selects which lymphocyte will divide to produce a clonal population of thousands of cells specific for a particular epitope.
12. The organisms making up two of the three domains-Bacteria and Archaea- are eukaryotic.
13. Water is one of the few substances that are less dense as a solid than as a liquid.
14. Mature mammalian erythrocytes lack nuclei and mitochondria.
15. Humoral immune response could defend against both intracellular and extracellular pathogens.
1. Some cellular processes require materials that an animal cannot assemble from simpler organic precursors. These materials-preassembled organic molecules and minerals- are called (1).
2. In a (2), a circulatory fluid called blood is confined to vessels and is distinct from the interstitial fluid.
3. In fishes, the efficiency of gas exchange is maximized by (3), the exchange of a substance or heat between two fluids flowing in opposite directions.
4. The most widespread connective tissue in the vertebrate body is (4), which binds epithelia to underlying tissues and hold organs in place.
5. During breathing, mammals employ (5)-pulling, rather than pushing, air into their lungs.
6. As an individual is exposed again to the same antigens, the (6) response is faster (typically peaking only 2-7 days after exposure), of greater magnitude, and more prolonged.
7. The two types of nucleic acids, (7) (DNA) and RNA, enable living organisms to reproduce their complex components from one generation to the next.
8. An (8) is one in which the solute is dissolved in water; water is the solvent.
9. Darwin used an insightful phrase "(9)" to describe his first main point in On the Origin of Species: contemporary species arose from a succession of ancestors that differed from them.
10. The core theme of Biology: (10) accounts for the unity and diversity of life.
1. A mature B cell.
2. Hydrogen bond between two water molecules.
教科书第1章综述生物学及其论题,首先论及之论题为统合的特性,原文如下:New properties emerge at successive levels of biological organization;请以分子阶层为例,阐述之。