课程性质︰外文系 文学与文化专题
试题 :
Islamic History and Culture: Mid-term Exam
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1. Islam is [a] ________ religion.
A. Polytheistic B. Nontheistic C. Monotheistic D. Zoroastrianic
2. The first revelation that the Prophet Muhammad received [was] in ________.
A. 571 B. 610 C. 622 D. 632
3. How did Muslim culture reach foreign lands?
A. Through Muslim merchants and sailors
B. Through Muslim religious orders
C. Through representatives of the court at Mecca
D. Through exchanges of letters between foreign governments
4. How big is Islam?
A. It is the largest religion in the world.
B. It is the second largest religion in the world.
C. It is the smallest religion in the world.
D. It is [a religion that] no one follows.
5. How many Muslims are there in the world?
A. 1 million B. 1.6 million C. 1.6 billion D. 3 billion
6. Muslims most live live in ________.
A. South America, Middle East, and South Asia B. Africa and India
C. North Africa, Middle East, Central and South Asia D. None of the above
7. Throughout human history, Allah has sent prophets teaching the basic
message of Islam ...
A. Only to the children of Israel. B. Only to the Middle East.
C. To all people in all time periods. D. Only to the upper class.
8. Who alone has the right to be worshipped?
A. All Gods have the right to be worshipped.
B. Everything has the right to be worshipped.
C. Allah, the Exalted alone has the right to be worshipped
D. None of the above.
9. Who is the creator of everything?
A. Mankind is the creator of everything.
B. Allah, the Exalted is the creator of everything.
C. Jinns and angels are the creators of everything.
D. Angels are the creators of everyghing.
10. Why did Allah create the jinn and humankind?
A. Jinn and mankind have been created to created mischief.
B. Jinn and mankind have been created for the worship of Allah.
C. Jinn and mankind have been created for travelling in the world.
D. Jinn and mankind have been created [not for any purpose].
11. How long did Prophet Muhammad receive revelations of the Holy Quran?
A. The chapters and verses of the Holy Quran were revealed over a period of
63 years.
B. . . . 15 years. C. . . . 23 years. D. . . . 40 years.
12. All of the following fators contributed to the rapid expansion of the early
Muslims EXCEPT
A. Forced conversions of conquered people
B. The military skill of the Muslim armies
C. Weaknesses in the Byzantine and Persian Empires
D. The strong faith of the Muslim soldiers
13. Does Allah need our worship?
A. Allah is dependent on our worship.
B. Allah needs our worship.
C. Allah is not in need of our worship[;] it is mankind who needs to
worship Allah.
D. Alah sometimes needs our worship.
14. Message of Islam [is] NOT in ________.
A. Laws and Values from God B. Permanent guidelines
C. Addressing [to] all human beings D. Specific region[s] or countr[ies]
15. What is the most important message from Allah that all the messengers
A. The most important message was to eat, drink and to remain happy
B. The most important message was to worship Allah alone and [no one] else.
C. The most important message was to worship all idols and dieties.
D. All the prophets were sent to enjoy themselves among the people.
16. Which of the following is true of the early 4 caliphs?
A. The early caliphs quickly rejected many of Prophet Muhammand's
B. The caliphs were strictly political leaders, not religious ones.
C. The early caliphs were unanimously agreed upon by the Muslim community.
D. The early caliphs concentrated on religious doctrine, not expansion.
17. In which caliphate period was Islam split into two branches?
A. Umar B. Abu Bakr C. Ali D. Uthman
18. The first year of the Muslim calendar marks the
A. Birth of Muhammad. B. Migration to Medina.
C. Death of Muhammad. D. Beginning of revelation of the Quran.
19. Which of the following beliefs is held by Muslims, Jews, and Christians?
A. Belief in reincarnation B. Belief in one God
C. Belief in Jesus as the Messiah D. Beginning of revelation of the Quran
20. Which caliphate started the Islamic Lunar Calendar?
A. Abu Bakr B. Umar C. Uthman D. Ali
21. Why did the Prophet order his companions to move to Madina?
A. The climate in Mecca was very hot.
B. Mecca was a very small city at that time.
C. The Meccans would not let the muslims practice their religion in Mecca.
D. All of the above.
22. The name of the Final Revelation is the ... .
A. Psalms B. Torah C. Quran D. Gospel
23. What is the percentage of Obligatory Charity (Zakaah) on Muslims?
A. 10% B. 1.5% C. 2.5% D. 5%
24. Hadith is:
A. The name of a Prophet B. A verse from the Qur'an
C. A verified statement of saying of the Prophet Muhammad
D. The name of an angel
25. Muslims consider Jesus to be ... .
A. A prophet and messenver sent by God B. The son of God or God Himself.
C. The child of Mary, the product of a miracle birth D. A [and] C
26. Which angel was charged with bringing the revelations to the Prophets?
A. Michael B. Azraeel C. Israfeel D. Gabriel
27. Meccans initially resisted Prophet Muhammad's teachings because ... .
A. The teachings promoted war
B. The people feared Mecca would lose its position as a pilgrimage center
C. The teachings upheld the worship of more than one god
D. The people did not find his ideas appealing.
28. How should women be treated in Islam?
A. Women should be treated as slaves.
B. Women are considered as bad omens and sinful
C. Women [should] be treated with respect, honour and justice; it
condemns oppression of any kind.
D. None of the above.
29. Do Muslim women have the right to accept or deny marriage proposals?
A. Muslim women have full rights to accept or deny marriage proposals.
B. Muslim woman cannot choose their suitors.
C. Parents of the bride have the right.
D. None of the above.
30. Can women hold important positions in governments or politics in Islam?
A. No, women cannot held any important positions in government.
B. Yes, women can hold important positions in government and politics.
C. Only men are allowed to hold important positions in government.
D. No one can hold positions in government.
31. What did the Prophet Muhammad mention about the raising of daughters?
A. Anyone who raises two daughters with love and affection will enter
B. Daughters are ill omens and should not be given love and affection.
C. There is no mention about the raising of daughters by the Prophet.
D. None of the above.
32. What did the Prophet Muhammad mention about the status of a Mother?
A. Mothers are not important at all.
B. Paradise is beneath the feet of a mother.
C. Mothers are bad omens.
D. None of the above.
33. What is mentioned about the equality of men and women in the Quran?
A. Men are always superior to women in all aspects.
B. Women are always superior to men in all aspects.
C. Men and women have the same religious and moral duties and
D. None of the above.
34. Are women allowed to remarry in Islam after divorce or death of the
A. Remarriage for women is permitted in Islam.
B. Only men have the right to remarry.
C. Remarriage is not permitted for women in Islam.
D. None of the above.
35. Does Islam teach about the right to education for women?
A. The right to education is only for men.
B. There is no education system in Islam.
C. In Islam, seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim (both men and
D. None of the above.
36. Which one is not necessary for valid marriage?
A. Offer and acceptance B. Marriage gift C. Witness D. age equality
37. How long do Muslims fast everyday during the month of Ramadhan?
A. Muslims fast from dawn to sunset.
B. Muslims fast from afternoon till sunset.
C. Muslims fast only during the nights.
D. Muslims fast only from dawn to noon.
38. Is it permitted to drink water while fasting?
A. It is permitted to drink little water while fasting.
B. No, it it not permitted to eat or drink anything while fasting.
C. It is permitted to drink juice while fasting.
D. It is permitted to eat dates while fasting.
39. The Hajj pilgrimage was originally started by:
A. Muhammad B. Moses C. Abraham D. Adam
40. How many times do Muslims have to perform pilgrimage in their lifetime?
A. Once in five years B. Once in a decade
C. once in their lifetime D. Every year
41. Which Islamic principle does the Hajj demonstrate?
A. Importance of children B. Equality and universal brotherhood
C. Importance of charity D. Celebrations
42. Does Islam permit the free practice of other religions and religious
A. Islam permits religious harmony, freedom and religious tolerance.
B. There is not religious harmony in Islam.
C. Other religions cannot be practised in an Islamic State.
D. None of the above.
43. Islamic culture left us many things we use today including ...
A. Mathematics B. Medicine C. Architecture
D. Philosophy E. All of the above
44. How should one treat and live with his wife, according to the Quran?
A. A man should treat his wife like a slave.
B. A man should treat his wife like a stranger.
C. A man should treat his wife with kindness and to live in equality.
D. None of the above.
45. Which one is NOT related to Polygamy in Islam?
A. Islam tends to regulate rather than stipulate polygamy.
B. Quran put down first limitations against polygamy.
C. In islam monogamy is essential and polygamy is exceptional.
D. Islam encourages polygamy.
46. Muslim CANNOT mary ... .
A. Muslim women B. People of the Book
C. Polytheistic woman D. All of the above
47. The required cover for Muslim women is her entire body EXCEPT
A. Her hair, face and hands. B. Her face, feet and hands.
C. Her hair and face. D. None of the above.
48. The major difference between the Shi'a and the Sunni Muslims [is]:
A. Doctrinal difference on the meaning of Allah
B. A political disagreement on the issue of leadership
C. Disagreement about the role of the Prophets.
D. Disagreement about how battles should be waged
49. The Quran is a Book of Guidance for ... .
A. Muslims only B. Arabs only C. All of mankind D. Non-Arabs
50. Which of the following is NOT correct in describing cultural influences on
A. Persian literature deeply influenced Islamic literary works.
B. Indian numerals had a profound influence on the development of
mathematical thinking among Muslims.
C. The caliphs adopted Persian ideas of kingship.
D. Greek rational reasoning had a long-lasting influence on the theological
development on Islam.