[试题] 104-2 史嘉琳 英语语音学二 第六章小考

楼主: rogerliu84 (丁丁是个人才)   2016-04-07 22:04:58
试题 :
Introduction to Phonetics II Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Quiz on Ladefoged, Chapter 6
I. Fill in the blanks.
1. What are the main conceptual differences between an "airstream mechanism"
and a "phonation type"? Focus on the organs involved in each, and what they
do. (10%)
2. Voiced sounds made with __________ airstream mechanism are found in Sindhi
and allophonically in Vietnamese; these seem to have developed from strongly
voiced initial stops. (8%)
3. Voiceless sounds made with the __________ airstream mechanism are common in
the Caucasus, the Americas and Africa. (8%)
4. Voiceless sounds made with the __________ airstream mechanism are only found
in the languages of southern Africa. (8%)
5. Most sounds of all of the world's spoken languages are made with the _______
airstream mechanism. (8%)
6. A four-way contrast of phonation types/VOTs is founds in the initial stops
of __________. (6%)
7. Ordinary voicing can be called __________ voice. (6%)
8. Identify the following types of clicks: a. [!] __________ b. [||] __________
c. [O] __________ d. [|] __________ (12%)
II. Matching: Draw lines connecting the items in column A with the
corresponding item in column B, then from each item in column B to the
language name(s) in which sound in column B occurs (34%)
a. implosive [k'] Hindi
b. click [d] Hausa, Lakhota
c. breathy stop [b] (符杆向右钩) Mandarin
d. murmured vowel [a] (a下方有..) Navajo
e. creaky voice [dh] (h上标,符杆向右钩) Sindhi
f. ejective [ng|] (<eng> 和|,有连结记号) Nama, Zulu, Xhosa
g. VOT of + 150 ms [<open o>] (下方有~) Gujarati
h. fully voiced [th] (h上标) Italian
initial stop
III. Dictation. (100%)

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