[试题] 104-1 王宝祥 戏剧选读一 期中考

楼主: rogerliu84 (丁丁是个人才)   2015-12-26 02:38:02
Henrik Ibsen. A Doll's House.
August Strindberg. Miss Julie.
试题 :
I. Multiple Choice Questions: pick the best answer. (40%)
1. Pick the FALSE dipiction of realist theater. 1) actors speak prose 2)
acting recedes behind the proscenium 3) facilitated by the installment of
lights 4) actors stay close to the footlights
2. Pick the CORRECT statement concerning A Doll's House. 1) Ibsen changed the
ending for the Swedish premiere 2) the ending has been modified to accommodate
maternal love 3) Ibsen claims to value feminist rights above human rights 4)
Chairman Mao acted in the Chinese premiere
3. Which is FALSE about Nora? 1) has a weakness for sweets 2) does embroidery
to earn money on the side 3) husband an accountant at a law firm 4) Her friend
Kristine has been an old flame of her arch foe.
4. Select the CORRECT statement about Ibsen: 1) supported Norwegian neutrality
during Prussian-Danish War. 2) sustained friendship with Bjørnson 3) finished
Peer Gynt in Italy 4) finally won the coverted Nobel Prize in 1906.
5. Select the CORRECT statement about Ibsen's plays: 1) The Master Builder is
an expressionist drama 2) Grieg composed an opera for Peer Gynt 3) The Wild
Duck has been adapted for stage by Bo Widerberg and screen by Ingmar Bergman 4)
count Hu Shi (胡适) and Lin Shu (林纾) among Chinese translators
6. Which play was NOT staged in Nationalist China (before Communism)? 1) A
Doll's House 2) The Ghosts 3) Little Eyolf 4) The Lady from the Sea.
7. Which play does NOT belong to Ibsen's great cycle of prose dramas? 1) Brand
2) A Doll's House 3) A Public Enemy 4) Wild Duck
8. Who is NOT active as part of the Modern Breakthrough in Scandinavia? 1)
Kiekregaard 2) Brandes 3) The Copenhagen Bohemians 4) Munch 5) Hans Jaeger
9. Pick the TRUE statement. 1) Miss Julie was born out of wedlock 2) Julie's
mother married against her will. 3) Julie's ancestor won royal favor through
battle honors 4) Kristine is a devout Catholic.
10. Which goddess' name is invoked with biting irony in Miss Julie? 1) Venus 2)
Diana 3) Juno 4) Athena
11. What is FALSE about Strindberg's life? 1) the son of a servant from a
maternal side 2) writes Miss Julie after his inferno period 3) married three
times 4) fascinated by the occult 5) Red Chamber his major novel
12. When is Miss Julie set? 1) Spring time in April 2) Midsummer eve 3) Ash
Wednesday 4) Winter solstice
13. Strindberg is a man of multiple talents and broad interests, but he is not
known as a 1) playwright 2) novelist 3) painter 4) photographer 5) composer
14. Select the CORRECT description about Miss Julie 1) Jean learns German in
Switzerland 2) Julie prefers red wine to beer 3) Jean has worked as a sommelier
4) Kristin is a lapsed churchgoer
15. Strindberg came into contact with diverse intellectual currents, but not
including 1) Nietzsche 2) Swedenborg 3) Ingmar Bergman 4) Otto Weininger (pan-
homosexuality, eg. 90% masculine man seeks 10% masculine woman)
16. To which play's preface does the Strindberg quote derive from? "The
characters split, double, multiply, dissolve, condense, disperse." 1) Dance of
Death 2) To Damascus 3) Ghost Sonata 4) A Dream Play
17. Which is WRONG regarding Strinberg's works. 1) Hamsun's novel Victoria
finds the class parallel with Miss Julie. 2) William Morris's A Dream of John
Ball inspires A Dream Play 3) The actor famed for creating Charlie Chan on
American screen has translated Strindberg plays. 4) To Damascus is a trilogy.
18. Which is not used as a Biblical reference in Miss Julie? 1) Salome 2) Adam
and Eve 3) Diana 4) Joseph
19. Which item is not supposed to make its appearance on the property list of
Dollhouse and Julie? 1) razor 2) bird cage 3) wine bottle 4) pistol 5)
porcelain stove 6) piano 7) whip
20. Who is NOT a contemporary painter of Ibsen? 1) Hakon Bleken 2) Edvard Munch
3) Harriet Backer 4) Carl Larsson
II. Short Q&A (60%/ 5 pts each unless otherwise indicated)
1. In what manner can A Doll's House be perceived as a "miracle play?" Process
Nora's peculiar expections of a miracle with special care.
2. How do Nora and Mrs. Linde (Kristine) look at the polarity of freedom and
necessity differently and act accordingly?
3. Interpret the symbolism of Julie's and Jean's respective dreams.
4. With Pavlov and Althusser in mind, how can the ring of the bell relate to
the psychology of authority in Miss Julie?
5. Briefly illustrate the rhetorical devices of synecdoche and oxymoron in
Miss Julie.
6. Why so many references to animals in Miss Julie? Pick two and explain their
symbolic significance. (2/2/2)
7. How was the concept of degeneration disseminate in late 19th century and how
did it manifest itself in both Ibsen and Strindberg's plays? Give 3 concrete
examples. (3/2/2/2)
8. How are the dual forces of naturalism at work in the battle of the sexes in
Miss Julie? Mark the point of reversal in your discussion (10pts)
9. Ibsen is a major exponent of realism, just as Strindberg is known for his
naturalism. Yet traces of symbolism and expressionism can be detected in their
plays. Illustrate with two concrete instances and interpret those moments of
departure from the regular norms. (10)

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