Qdream (里长)
2015-06-15 20:39:24课程名称︰英语文/领域教材教法
1. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching
2. Teaching by Principles
3. 英教所硕士班考古(老师会发,准备与教学法有关题目即可)
4. 同学蒐集的video
5. 学习策略讲义
试题 : (中途设计有十分钟的开书惊喜)
I. Matching (20%): Match the L2 teaching methods with their developers or
1. Grammar Translation Method (GTM) a. Caleb Gattegno
2. Direct Method (DM) b. Language for Specific Purposes
3. Audio-Lingual Method (ALM) c. Charles Berlitz
4. Silent Way (SW) d. Georgi Lozanov
5. Desuggestopedia e. Superiority of literary texts
6. Community Language Learning (CLL) f. Charles Curran
7. Total Physical Response (TPR) g. Emphasis on clear outcomes of
8. Communicative Language Learning (CLT) activities
9. Contenct-based Instruction (CBI) h. James Asher
10. Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) i. The Army Method
j. Language Games
II. Short-answer questions (40%): Answer each question based on Larson-Freeman
and Anderson (2011), Brown (2007), and our
discussion in class. Limit your answer to
each to no more than 20 words.
1. Contrast inductive and deductive teqaching.
2. L1 use is discouraged in an ALM classroom. Why?
3. Name one technique of SW that promotes autonomy.
4. How is peripheral learning supported in Desuggestopedia?
5. Describe one way with which CLL increases learners' sense of security.
6. How is learning improved through giving and following commands in TPR?
7. Contrast the weak and strong version of Communicative Approach.
8. Discuss one problem confronting CBI.
9. What are focused tasks (in TBLT)?
10. Good language learners can serve as the models for all learners,
especially those at lower levels of proficiency. Name 2 features of good
language learners identified by strategy researchers (e.g. Rubin, 1975).
III. Essay questions (40%): Answer each question based on Larson-Freeman and
Anderson (2011), Brown (2007), and our discussion
in class. Limit your answer to each to no more than
80 words.
1. Many L2 methods aim to minimize anxiety. However, having some anxiety has
been believed to contribute to the attainment of learning goals. Discuss
ONE teaching method that comes with the proposition that lower anxiety leads
to better learning outcomes and its teachniques of reducing anxiety. Also,
discuss how you as a teacher reconcile the two seemingly opposite positions
toward the role of anxiety in L2 learning. (NCCU 2015)
2. GTM, though under heavy attack from the L2 teaching community in general,
still continues to prevail in the Taiwanese secondary schools. Discuss why
this is the case (i.e., advantages) and what problems this might cause
(i.e. disadvantages)
3. Compare ALM and CLT in terms of (1) the goal of teaching
(2) the role of the teacher
(3) the treatment of linguistic errors
4. Oxford (1990) proposed a theoretical taxonomy that categorizes language
learning strategies into six groups. Name these six strategy groups and,
for each group, give a specific example.
5. Watch the video clip that shows part of a lesson drawing upon the
principles of TBLT. Identify two techniques and discuss their underlying