[试题] 102下 薛智文 嵌入式作业系统实作 期中考

楼主: rod24574575 (天然呆)   2015-05-04 19:26:15
考试日期(年月日)︰2014.04.15 上课时(14:20pm)公布考题,
2014.04.15 结束前(11:59pm)缴交
试题 :
This is a take-home exam. Add more assumption if you need. Please do answer
with your OWN SUCCINCT words after each question (keep the question) in this
file in less than 5 pages of the same text font (Times New Roman 12). You can
turn in with other file format of the same look. You can answer in Chinese or
English. Please send your file back to cwhsueh@csie.ntu.edu.tw with a new
filename of your ID by 11:59PM, April 15th. We will decide your order for
project presentation (less than 30 minutes) in next class at 101 by that the
earlier one with receive time of the last submission of this midterm in your
group has higher priority. Have fun.
1. [10%] When you first time burn u-boot on PXA270, why you need to copy twice?
2. [20%] In the homework, for the uC/OSII on DOS, if we run the resulting
TEST.exe of exercise EX1_x86L several instances simultaneously, the timer
in each instance will have more and more difference as time goes by. Why
and how do we fix this problem to shorten the time difference?
3. [20%] Suppose we would like to write a stopwatch application for Creator
PXA270. It needs to support variable precision ranging from one millisecond
to one second, so that the decimal point is not needed for one-second
resolution. Given the kernel driver as Lab 3 that can display four decimal
digits on the 4-digit 7-segment LED with a decimal point and some keypad
buttons, please describe how to extend the driver to implement the
stopwatch. No codes are needed. Your solution should be backward compatible,
extendable, and as compact as possible.
4. [30%] A boot loader is a computer program that initializes the hardware
platform and loads the operating system. However, it sometime might be
desired to start the OS without using a boot loader for compact systems
such as μC/OS. Please describe what should be done in the startup function
of μC/OS-II when the kernel image resides in a NOR flash so that it is
expected to be executed as in main memory directly without loading. Please
elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages of using boot loader or not.
Hint: relocation …
5. [20%] To implement an embedded system, we need to take care of software
components in BSP (board support package), bootloader, OS, driver, tool
chain, and the application. For Taiwan embedded software industry, which
components are the most valuable you would like to explore? Why? Please
give examples and describe how to accomplish the value you expect and how
many man months it might take.

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