SahsB (SahsB)
2014-11-11 21:13:01课程名称︰ 计算机概论
课程性质︰ 选修
课程教师︰ 周承复
开课系所︰ 资工系
考试日期(年月日)︰ 103.11.10
考试时限(分钟): 120分钟
是否需发放奖励金: 是
试题 :
1. (20%) Data Compression
a) (10%) Encode the message "xy zxy zxy xyz" using the LZW method, then
decode the encoded message to get the original message..
b) (10%) Encode the following characters using Huffman coding with the
given frequencies: A(12), B(18), C(9), D(21), E(29), F(3), G(8);then
decode the encoded message to get the original message..
2. (30%) Number system
a) (10%) Using an 8-bit allocation, first convert each of the following
integers to two's complement, do the operation, and then convert the
result to decimal. (1) 17+43 (2) 19-52.
b) (10%) What bit pattern (and its value) represents the sum of 11101011
and 01001101 if the patterns represent values stored in two's complement
notation? What if the patterns represent values stored in the floating-
point format discussed in Chapter 1?
c) (10%) In a two's complement system, what value can be added to any other
value without causing an overflow? How many values in the system have
this property? Explain your answer.
3. (10%) a. (5%) What is the output of the circuit below?
b. (5%) In general, how does the three-bit input pattern across the
top of the diagram relate to the circuit's output?
Input Pattern
1 0 1
|_ |_ |_