课程名称︰ 计算机概论
课程性质︰ 选修
课程教师︰ 傅楸善
开课系所︰ 资工系
考试日期(年月日)︰ 103.11.10
考试时限(分钟): 第78节课
是否需发放奖励金: 是
试题 :
1. (16%)Please define the following terms and explain the content, purpose, and
application of each term and give an illustrative example if possible. If
possible, define the term in mathematical equation. If it's an acronym, write
the full name in detail. For example:
CD-ROM: Compact Disk - Read-Only Memory: The most common type of optical
storage medium. In CD-ROM, data are written in a series of lands and pits on
the surface of a compact disk (CD), which can be read by a laser in a CD-ROM
drive. A standard CD stores approximately 700 MB, but data on a CD cannot be
(1) word processor
(2) spreadsheet
(3) database management system
(4) trackball
(5) UPS: Uninterruptable Power Supply
(6) stylus
(7) cracker
(8) corporate spies
2. (8%) Please list at least four touch screen gestures.
3. (8%) Please differentiate among tablet, notebook computer, server, and
4. (8%) Please list at least four Internet services.
5. (8%) Please list at least four top-level domain name categories.
6. (8%) Please list at least four types of keyboards for mobile phones.
7. (8%) Please list at least four types of game devices.
8. (8%) Please list at least four types of application programs.
9. (8%) Please list at least four types of security risks.
10. (8%) Please list at least four hardware devices inside desktop computer.
11. (4%) What are the two units inside Central Processing Unit (CPU)?
12. (8%) Please write the full names and explain the difference between DRAM
and SRAM.