d3osef (阿嘉)
2014-11-09 23:53:46课程名称︰经济学原理与实习上
试题 :
一、选择题(45%): 不需说明, 写出正确答案即可。
Under which of the following conditions would the interdiction of illegal drugs
result in a decrease in the quantity of drugs sold and in a decrease in total
spending on illegal drugs by drug users?
(a) The interdiction has the effect of shifting the demand curve for illegal
drugs to the right.
(b) The interdiction has the effect of shifting the supply curve for illegal
drugs to the right.
(c) The price elasticity of demand for illegal drugs is 1.3.
(d) As a result of the interdiction, the price of illegal drugs increases by 20
percent and the quantity of illegal drugs sold decreases by 16 percent.
Alfonso has noticed that increases in unemployment insurance claims are
associated with recessions, and therefore he advocates limits on unemployment
insurance so as to prevent recessions.Mary has noticed that most drug addicts
once attended schools, and therefore she advocates getting rid of schools so as
to prevent drug addiction.
(a) The reasoning of both Alfonso and Mary suffers from the omitted variable
(b) The reasoning of both Alfonso and Mary suffers from the reverse causality
(c) Alfonso's reasoning suffers from the reverse causality problem, and Mary's
reasoning suffers from the omitted variable problem.
(d) Mary's reasoning suffers from the reverse causality problem, and Alfonso's
reasoning suffers from the omitted variable problem.
What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of latt ′es if coffee
shops began using a machine that reduced the amount of labor necessary to
produce steamed milk, which is used to make latt ′es, and scientists
discovered that coffee prevents heart attacks?
(a) Both the equilibrium price and quantity would increase.
(b) Both the equilibrium price and quantity would decrease.
(c) The equilibrium price would increase, and the effect on equilibrium
quantity would be ambiguous.
(d) The equilibrium quantity would increase, and the effect on equilibrium
price would be ambiguous.
New cars are normal goods. What will happen to the equilibrium price of new
cars if the price of gasoline rises, the price of steel falls, public
transportation becomes cheaper and more comfortable, auto-workers accept lower
wages, and automobile insurance becomes more expensive?
(a) Price will rise.
(b) Price will fall.
(c) Price will stay exactly the same.
(d) The price change will be ambiguous.
Which of the following is a positive economic statement?
(a) A minimum wage is good because it guarantees workers a decent living.
(b) A tax on the rich is bad because it discourages innovation and investment.
(c) A tax on the poor is not fair because the poor already have it hard enough.
(d) A cartel has an incentive to reduce its quantity and increase its price.
Suppose the government has imposed a price floor on the market for soybeans.
Which of the following events could transformthe price floor fromone that is
not binding into one that is binding?
(a) Farmers use improved, draught-resistant seeds, which lowers the cost of
growing soybeans.
(b) The number of farmers selling soybeans decreases.
(c) Consumers’ income increases, and soybeans are a normal good.
(d) The number of consumers buying soybeans increases.
Suppose that Firms A and B each produce high-resolution computermonitors, but
Firm A can do so at a lower cost. Cassie and David each want to purchase a
high-resolution computer monitor,but David is willing to pay more than Cassie.
Which of the following market outcomes is efficient?
(a) Firm A produces a monitor that Cassie buys. David does not purchase a
(b) Firm B produces a monitor that Cassie buys. David does not purchase a
(c) Firm A produces a monitor that David buys.
(d) Firm B produces a monitor that David buys.
Coffee and tea are substitutes. Bad weather that sharply reduces the coffee
bean harvest would
(a) increase consumer surplus in themarket for coffee and decrease producer
surplus in the market for tea.
(b) increase consumer surplus in the market for coffee and increase producer
surplus in the market for tea.
(c) decrease consumer surplus in themarket for coffee and increase producer
surplus in the market for tea.
(d) decrease consumer surplus in the market for coffee and decrease producer
surplus in the market for tea.
Economists tend to see ticket scalping as
(a) a way for a few to profit without producing anything of value.
(b) an inequitable interference in the orderly process of ticket distribution.
(c) a way of increasing the efficiency of ticket distribution.
(d) an unproductive activity which should be made illegal everywhere.
At present, the maximum legal price for a human kidney is $0. The price of $0
(a) consumer surplus but not producer surplus.
(b) producer surplus but not consumer surplus.
(c) both consumer and producer surplus.
(d) neither consumer nor producer surplus.
Which of the following events is consistent with an increase in the deadweight
loss of the gasoline tax from $30 million to $120 million?
(a) The tax on gasoline increases from $0.30 per gallon to $0.45 per gallon.
(b) The tax on gasoline increases from $0.30 per gallon to $0.60 per gallon.
(c) The tax on gasoline increases from $0.25 per gallon to $0.45 per gallon.
(d) The tax on gasoline increases from $0.25 per gallon to $1.00 per gallon.
Suppose France imposes a tariff on wine of 3 euros per bottle. If government
revenue from the tariff amounts to 30 million euros per year and if the
quantity of wine supplied by French wine producers, with the tariff, is 8
million bottles per year, then we can conclude that
(a) the quantity of wine demanded by France, with the tariff, is 18 million
bottles per year.
(b) the quantity of wine demanded by France, without the tariff, would be 24
million bottles per year.
(c) the amount of the deadweight loss is 24 million euros per year.
(d) the tariff causes French buyers of wine to pay 2 euros more per bottle
than they would pay without the tariff.
Suppose that the equilibrium price in the market for widgets is $5. If a law
reduced the maximum legal price for widgets to $4,
(a) any possible increase in consumer surplus would be larger than the loss of
producer surplus.
(b) any possible increase in consumer surplus would be smaller than the loss of
producer surplus.
(c) the resulting increase in producer surplus would be larger than any
possible loss of consumer surplus.
(d) the resulting increase in producer surpluswould be smaller than any
possible loss of consumer surplus.
The negative effect of minimum wage on employment will be the greatest when
(a) labor demand is elastic and labor supply is elastic.
(b) labor demand is inelastic and labor supply is inelastic.
(c) labor demand is elastic and labor supply is inelastic.
(d) labor demand is inelastic and labor supply is elastic.
Suppose that Company A’s railroad cars pass through Farmer B’s corn fields.
The railroad causes an externality to the farmer because the railroad cars
emit sparks that cause $1,500 in damage to the farmer’s crops. There is a
special soy-based grease that the railroad could pur-chase that would eliminate
the damaging sparks. The grease costs $1,200. Suppose that the rail-road is not
liable for any damage ccaused to the crops. Assume that there are no
transaction costs. Which of the following characterizes the efficient outcome?
(a) The railroad will continue to operate but will pay the farmer $1,500 in
(b) The railroad will purchase the grease for $1,200 and pay the farmer nothing
because no crop damage will occur.
(c) The farmer will incur $1,500 in damages to his crops.
(d) The farmer will pay the railroad $1,200 to purchase the grease so that no
crop damage will occur.
二、非选择题(55%): 答题时请适当说明你的想法, 答案内容以让阅卷者了解为原则。
1. (10%)请简要回答以下问题。
(a) (5%)
经济学关于效率性(efficiency)的推论过程中, 最重要的基础是对于“剩余”(surplus)的
(许多对于经济学的反对意见, 可能都来自于对这些认定有不同的看法。)
(b) (5%)
我国现行汽车燃料费是依照车辆种类和排气量大小采“随车征收”制, 民间团体如消基
, “随车征收”和“随油征收”这两种收费方法对汽油使用量和二氧化碳排放量的影响
2. (10%)
基金, 由文化部统筹补助电影业者的电影基金。假设电影的成本均为固定成本, 其供给线
(a) (2%)
请在供需图上画出电影的供给线, 其价格弹性为何?
(b) (2%)
与均衡数量, 并讨论均衡的变化。
(c) (2%)
(d) (2%)
来决定补助对象和金额。请问这项政策除了影响电影票的价格与数量之外, 还可能会对电
(e) (2%)
Bootlegger and Basptists 或是rent seeking比较能描述补助政策下电影公司争取补助
3. (12%)
假设人们持有财富的方法只有“银行存款”和“购买房屋”两种, 前者的报酬来自于存
款利息, 后者的报酬则主要来自来房价的上涨。
(a) (2%)
(b) (2%)
(c) (2%)
市场利率下降将导致房屋需求的增加或减少? 房屋价格如何变动?
(d) (2%)
台北市的房屋价格持续上涨, 许多人认为已经到了“不合理”的地步,因此要求政府能够
积极“打房”。作法之一是央行要求各银行减少房屋贷款的额度, 请问为什么这样的政策
(e) (2%)
接受的居住地点, 且捷运开通并没有造成外地居民移入。请问捷运陆续开通将如何影响
(f) (2%)
假设捷运陆续开通之后, 房屋价格也持续上升, 请问这可能是什么原因造成的?
4. (13%)
假设美国是电视机的进口国, 而且没有任何贸易限制, 电视机的供给线和需求线均为直
线。美国消费者每年购买100万台电视机, 其中40万台是美国制, 60万台是进口的。
(a) (4%)
假设由于日本生产电视机的技术进步, 使得电视机的世界价格下跌100美元。请
(b) (3%)
价格下跌后,美国消费者购买120万台电视机,其中20万台是美国制, 100万台是进口的。
(c) (3%)
如果美国政府决定对进口电视机课征100美元的关税, 则此一政策会造成哪些影响? 计算此
时的政府关税收入与deadweight loss。就美国整体福利而言, 这是一项好的政策吗? 谁会
(d) (3%)
5. (10%)
大发工业区有三家工厂, 各厂商目前的二氧化碳排放量和降低二氧化碳排放所需的成本
如下: 目前 降低1单位排
厂商 排放量 放量所需成本
A厂商 100单位 $30
B厂商 200单位 $40
C厂商 150单位 $50
为了减缓地球温室效应, 政府想要将大发工业区的二氧化碳总排放量降为210单位。
(a) (2%)
如果政府要求每家厂商均将排放量减至70单位, 三家厂商降低排放量所需的总成本为多少?
(b) (3%)
如果政府改发给每家厂商70单位之可交易的碳排放许可(carbon emission permits)。完
成碳排放许可交易之后, 各厂商将分别排放多少二氧化碳?
(c) (3%)
承(b), 此时厂商间碳排放许可的交易情形为何?
(d) (2%)
承(b), 此时三家厂商共花多少成本来降低二氧化碳排放? 和(a) 小题相较, 总成本将增