[试题] 102下 简瑞碧 大一英文 第一次期中考

楼主: NTUkobe (台大科比)   2014-11-05 23:43:00
试题 :
姓名:________________ 学号:________________ 班级:________________
Ⅰ. 字汇
1. ( ) This town has been entirely occupied by zombies. We can't
stay here anymore. Tell everyone in the town to prepare for
________! (A) execution (B) exacerbation (C) evacuation
(D) evocation
2. ( ) Did you ________ to the party last night?
(A) stay (B) make it (C) make that (D) make
3. ( ) Neal ant I ________ hands after the meeting yesterday.
(A) shook (B) took (C) look (D) shoot
4. ( ) Beware the use of anesthetics! You can make your patient
________ if you use too much on him during the operation.
(A) parabola (B) parasite (C) paraphrase (D) paralyzed
5. ( ) What did you do to your book to make it ________? You
almost burned the whole house down!
(A) catch fire (B) catch a cold (C) catch a buring
(D) catch a ball
6. ( ) Ben was in a ________ when he learned his best friend's
death. (A) trust (B) trace (C) shocking (D) trance
7. ( ) Vincent died in the ________ last night.
(A) extent (B) extension (C) explosion (D) exertion
8. ( ) I just watched the news. It said one of our planes ________
another plane and crashed. How horrible!
(A) collide with (B) coped with (C) came with (D) cast with
9. ( ) Can you ________ John's story for me? I find it really
suspicious. (A) vilify (B) verify (C) calcify (D) petrify
10.( ) This desert is a very ________ place. That is why people
don't live here. (A) hush (B) harsh (C) hash (D) hard
11.( ) Don't let the cat ________ you! It has been infected with
deadly diseases. (A) scorn (B) scalp (C) scratch (D) score
12.( ) Jonah, come here and look at this dead bird. It has the most
beautiful ________ I have ever seen!
(A) skeleton (B) ski (C) sketch (D) skepticism
13.( ) There was a blackout tonight. It scared the ________ out
me. (A) terror (B) timidity (C) live (D) life
14.( ) We don't have to find a ________ anymore because we are
safe now. (A) drought (B) shelter (C) shred (D) shroud
15.( ) I don't believe in Sally's ________ that she was the best
student in her class.
(A) clam (B) claim (C) calm (D) calcium
Ⅱ. 文法
16.( ) If Mary ________ the door open, the raccoon would not have
gotten in.
(A) had leave
(B) has left
(C) had not left
(D) has not left
17.( ) I believe we had better ________ home before midnight.
(A) go (B) be going (C) been going (D) gone
18.( ) If I were you, I ________ choose the blue hat.
(A) am going to (B) will (C) would (D) had better
19.( ) I ________ bought the pen if I had known I was out of pens.
(A) had (B) had had (C) would have had (D) would have
20.( ) I ________ have a second thought if I knew it costs so much
money. (A) will (B) do (C) won't (D) would
21.( ) Diane wants to be a doctor. She wishes she had ________
to medical school before.
(A) go (B) went (C) gone (D) be going
22.( ) If I ________ fly, I would be like a bird.
(A) will (B) can (C) won't (D) could
23.( ) I would be very glad if I ________ an astronant.
(A) were (B) would (C) would be (D) would have been
24.( ) We ________ go now because the plane is going to depart.
(A) would (B) would have (C) would better (D) had better
25.( ) I should have ________ longer at the party last night.
(A) had stayed (B) stayed (C) been staying (D) been stay
26.( ) I ________ leave than stand the heat under the sun.
(A) would rather (B) would have rather (C) would
(D) would
27.( ) I ________ cookies than candy.
(A) would rather have
(B) would rather have had
(C) would rather
(D) would rather not
28.( ) I did not ________ haw much my parents loved me until I
became one.
(A) realize (B) realized (C) be noticed (D) was noticed
29.( ) Not until my mother told me did I ________ once kept a dog.
(A) notice (B) noticed (C) realize (D) realized
30.( ) Can you ________ me to get up early tomorrow?
(A) remind (B) remembered (C) be remembering
(D) be reminding
31.( ) If you ________, I could have saved the company.
(A) let me try
(B) let me tried
(C) had let me try
(D) had letted me tried
32.( ) I made a mistake. I ________ Meal A instead of Meal B.
(A) were ordering
(B) was ordering
(C) have been ordering
(D) should have ordered
Ⅲ. 阅读测验
On September 11, 2001, Islamist terrorists hijacked American Airlines Flight
11 and crashed it into the northern facade of the North Tower at 8:46:40 a.m.,
the aircraft striking between the 93rd and 99th floors. Seventeen minutes
later, at 9:03:11 a.m., a second team of terrorists crashed the similarly
hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 into the southern facade of the South
Tower, striking it between the 77th and 85th floors. The damage caused to the
North Tower by Flight 11 destroyed any means of escape from above the impact
zone, trapping 1,344 people. Flight 175 had a much more off-centered impact
compared to Flight 11, and a single stairwell was left intact; however, only a
few people managed to pass through it successfully before the tower collapsed.
Although the South Tower was struck lower than the North Tower, thus affecting
more floors, a smaller number, fewer than 700, were killed instantly or
At 9:59 a.m., the South Tower collapsed after burning for approximately 56
minutes. The fire caused steel structural elements, already weakened from the
plane impact, to fail. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m., after burning
for approximately 102 minutes. At 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001, 7 World
Trade Center started to collapse with the crumble of the east penthouse, and
it collapsed completely at 5:21 p.m. owing to uncontrolled fires causing
structural failure...
In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, media reports suggested that tens
of thousands might have been killed in the attacks, as over 50,000 people could
be inside the towers. Ultimately, 2,753 death certificates (excluding those for
hijackers) were filed relating to the 9/11 attacks in New York, including one
filed for Felicia Dunn-Jones, who was added to the official death toll in May
2007; Dunn-Jones died five months later from a lung condition linked to
exposure to dust during the collapse of the World Trade Center.
Excerpt from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center
33.( ) According to the passage, who hijacked the plane to crash
the North Tower?
(A) Nobody
(B) Islamic terrorists
(C) The captain of the plane
(D) We doun't know
34.( ) According to the passage, when did the attacks on the
World Trade Tower begin?
(A) Morning
(B) Afternoon
(C) Evening
(D) Midnight
35.( ) According to the passage, how long did it take for South
Tower to callapse?
(A) Approximately an hour
(B) Approximately ten hours
(C) Approximately a day
(D) Approximately a day and half
36.( ) According to the media, how many people might have been
killed in the attacks?
(A) more than three hundred
(B) more than two hundred
(C) more than ten hundred
(D) more than one million
37.( ) According to the passage, Felicia Dunn-Jones's death was
related to the incident because which organ of hers was
damaged during the attacks?
(A) Heart
(B) Liver
(C) Lung
(D) Spleen
In behavioral psychology, reinforcement is a consequence that will strengthen
an organism's future behavior whenever that behavior is preceded by a specific
antecedent stimulus. This strengthening effect may be measured as a higher
frequency of behavior (e.g., pulling a lever more frequently), longer duration
(e.g., pulling a lever for longer periods of time), greater magnitude
(e.g., pulling a lever with greater force), or shorter latency (e.g., pulling
a lever more quickly following the antecedent stimulus).
Although in many cases a reinforcing stimulus is a rewarding stimulus which
is "valued" or "liked" by the individual (e.g., money received from a slot
machine, the taste of the treat, the euphoria produced by an addictive drug),
this is not a requirement. Indeed, reinforcement does not even require an
individual to consciously perceive an effect elicited by the stimulus.
Furthermore, stimuli that are "rewarding" or "liked" are not always
reinforcing: if an individual eats at a fast food restaurant (response) and
likes the taste of the food (stimulus), but believes it is bad for their
health, they may not eat it again and thus it was not reinforcing in that
condition. Thus, reinforcement occurs only if there is an observable
strengthening in behavior.
Excerpt from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinforcement
38.( ) According to the passage, reinforcement should ________.
(A) Make an organism happy
(B) Make an organism unhappy
(C) Make an organism take certain actions more often
(D) Make an organism hypnotized
39.( ) According to the passage, what is perequisite of a
(A) The reinforcement is liked by the test subject
(B) The reinforcement is detested by the test subject
(C) The reinforcement can strengthen certain behavior of
the test subject
(D) We don't know
40.( ) According to the passage, why can fast food fail to be a
successful reinforcement?
(A) People do not like fast food
(B) People are banned from fast food
(C) People find fast food too good to be use
(D) People find fast food bad for their health

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