[试题] 103上 刘铭璋 普通化学丙 第一次期中考

楼主: mayzershi (梅泽西)   2014-11-06 19:56:37
考试时限(分钟):110 mins
试题 :
Midterm Exam of General Chemistry 10/22/2014
1.A particle has a velocity that is 90% of the speed of light.If the wavelength
of the particle is 1.5*10^-15 m,what is the mass of the particle?(4%)
c = 3.00*10^8 m/s , h = 6.626*10^-34 J*s
2.Write electron configuration s for the following elements and ions. (a)Cl-
anion (Z=17),(b)Cu (Z=29),(c) Bi (Z=83).How many unpaired electrons are present
in each elements?(9%)
3.Explain shielding and penetrating effects by using the Na atom (Z=11) as an
example. Draw the relative orbital energy levels of polyelectronic atoms.
Also explain how the following radial probability distributions support your
answer. (9%)
4.Name the following compounds: (a)Cr(H2PO4)3 (b)Li3N (c)As2O3 (d)HI (acid)
(e)PbBr2 (10%)
5.Write the chemical formulas for the following compounds: (a)mercury(I)
chloride, (b)silver nitrite, (c)Tetraphosphorus decaoxide, (d)chlorous acid.
6.Consider the following reaction:
\ / | |
C=C (g) + F2 (g) → H-C-C-H (g) ΔE= -549 kJ
/ \ | |
Estimate the carbon-fluorine bond energy,given that the C-C bond energy is 347
kJ/mol,the C=C bond energy is 614 kJ/mol,and the F-F bond energy is 154 kJ/mol.
7.Order the following species with respect to carbon-oxygen bond length(longest
to shortest).
What is the order from the weakest to the strongest carbon-oxygen bond?
(CH3OH exists as H3C-OH)
Write the Lewis structures,including resonance structures if necessary.(12%)
8.Write Lewis structures for the following species that involve minimum formal
charge for each atom.(a)(SO4)2- (b)(ClO4)- (10%)
9.Which of the following statements are true?(6%)
(a)Precision refers to the degree of agreement among several measurements of
the same quantity.
(b)A symmetric error means that a measurement has an equal probility of being
high or low.
(c)The SI unit for the amount of substance is kg.
(d)The order the four metric prefixes is nano- < micro- < milli- < mega- <
(e)There are 7 significant figures in the number 0.04560070.
10.Which of the following statements of electromagnetic radiation are true?(5%)
(a)Energy can only occur in discrete units called quanta.
(b)Electromagnetic radiation can be thought of as a stream of particles called
(c)The emission sprctrum of hydrogen contains a continuum of colors.
(d)All matters displays both particle and wavelike characteristics.
(e)For light with frequency greater than threshold energy,the number of
electrons emitted increases with the intensity of the light.
(f)Diffraction results when light is scattered from a regular array of points
or lines.
11.Which of the following combinations of quantum numbers are not allowed?(3%)
(a) n=1,l=1,ml=0,ms=1/2
(b) n=3,l=-1,ml=0,ms=-1/2
(c) n=2,l=1,ml=-2,ms=1/2
(d) n=4,l=3,ml=-2,ms=-1/2
(e) n=4,l=2,ml=0,ms=1/2
12.Which of the following statements are true?(8%)
(a)The first ionization energy of Mg is 735 kJ/mol.The second ionization energy
is greater than 735 kJ/mol.
(b)The ionic radius of Fe+ is smaller than that of Fe3+.
(c)The atomic radius of Li is larger than that of Cs.
(d)A cesium atom has smaller first ionization energy than a lithium atom.
(e)It takes more energy to add an electron to nitrogen than to a carbon because
of the extra repulsions that would occur in the 2p orbitals.
(f)For the elements Cs,F,and N,the order of increasing electronegativity is:
Cs < N < F.
(g)MgO has smaller lattice energy than NaF.
(h)The order of ionic radius is Ga3+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Cl- > S2-.
13.For of the Schrödinger wave equation for a one-electron atom
ψ = ___________ * (Z/a0)^3/2 * (2-σ) * e^(-σ/2)
where σ = Zr/a0 , Z = 1 for hydrogen;a0 = ε0 * h^2 / πme^2 = 5.29*10^-11 m.
Which of the following statements are true?(6%)
(a)There are two nodes for this orbital.
(b)It has nonzero amplitude at the nucleus(at r = 0 ).
(c)It is 2s orbital.
(d)The square of the function evaluated at a particular point in space
indicates the probability of finding an electron near that point.
(e)We can know the exact path of the electron as it moves around the nucleus
according to this equation.
14.Perform the following mathematical operations,and express the result to the
correct number of significant figures.(4%)
(a)(9.521 + 4.14 + 2.7 + 3.175)/4 =
(Assume that this operation is taking the average of four numbers.Thus 4 in the
denominator is exact.)
(b)(6.401 * 2.800)/(18.71 - 17.1) =

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