yungye 2014-07-02 15:07:35课程名称︰分析化学丁
课程性质︰药学系 医学检验暨生物技术学系 必修
考试日期(年月日)︰March 26, 2014
考试时限(分钟): 180分钟
是否需发放奖励金: 是
试题 :
I. Comparison:
(1) Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis
(2) Analyte and matrix
(3) Sensitivity and limit of detection
(4) Fluorescence and phosphorescence
(5) Absorption filters and Interference filters
(6) Prism and grating
(7) Photodiode and phototube
(II) Buffer:
(1) Under what conditions, the buffer bears a good buffer capacity?
(2) How can you prepare a 1000 mL of 0.1 M tris buffer, pH 7.6 (pKa = 8.075,
M.W. = 157.596 and 121.135 g/mol for tris hydrochloride and tris,
respectively.)? ([tris] + [tris+] = 0.1 M)
(3) Give an example to show the importance of a buffer.
(III) Acid and base:
A 100 mL of 0.1 M NaA (pKa of HA = 4.00) was titrated with 0.05 M HCl.
(1) What are the pH values of 0.1 M NaA solutions after adding 0.05 M HCl
solution at V = (a) 50 and (b) 100 mL?
(2) What is the pKa range of a suitable indictor for the titration?
(3) What is the concentration of HA after adding the HCl solution at V = 150
(4) What is the concentration of A- when 0.1 mole of NaA is dissolved in a
solution buffered to pH 5.0?
(IV) Solubility:
Calculate the solubility values of AgCl (Ksp = 10^-11) in (a) water and (b)
0.5 M NH3 if the formation constant for [Ag(NH3)2]+ is 10^8.
(V) Absorption:
(1) Define the Beer's law? You must give an equation and clearly define all
the parameters.
(2) A scheme for a single-beam UV-vis spectrophotometer.
(3) What is the most popular UV light source used in absorption spectrometers?
(4) Why is a PMT more useful to improve sensitivity in fluorescence than in
(5) How does stray light affect the absorbance?
(6) How does the intensity of a light source affect sensitivity?
(7) Why is it important to measure absorption at the wavelength of maximum
(VI) Calculation:
(1) An echellete grating that contains 1500 blazes/mm was irradiated with a
polychromatic beam at an incident angle of 30°to the grating normal.
Calculate the wavelengths of radiation that would appear at an angle of
reflection of 40°.
(2) Calculate the molar absorptivity of a solution containing 0.1 mM KMnO4
that exhibits 50 %T in a 1.00-cm cell at 520 nm.
(3) Calculate the concentration of Pd(II) ions in a mixture containing PdL2
and AuL2 complexes that has an absorbance of 0.5 at 480 nm and of 0.59 at
635nm. The molar absorptivity values (L mol^-1 cm^-1) at 480 and 635 nm
for PdL2 complex are 3500 and 550, respectively, while those for AuL2
complex are 3000 and 15000, respectively.
(VII) Standard addition method:
(1) In what conditions, a standard addition method is required?
(2) Why do the spiked amounts of a standard have to be close to the analyte
concentration in an unhnown sample when applying a standard addition
(3) How can you determine the concentration of an analyte in the unknown
(VIII) Methodology:
(1) Suggest a spectrophotometric method for the determination of the
dissociation constant of an acid.
(2) Suggest a spectrophotometric method to determine the concentrations of
Ti(IV) and Cu(II) in an aqueous solution containing the two metal ions.
(3) Suggest a spectrophotometric method to determine the concentrations of
(IX) Drug analysis