课程性质︰A1通识 欧洲暨欧盟研究学程
试题 :
MC on 7 listening examples. 70% (5x14)
A. Symphony no. 1, 1st movement
B. Symphony no. 1, 2nd movement
C. Symphony no. 1, 3rd movement
D. Symphony no. 1, 4th movement
E. Symphony no. 2, 5th movement
F. Symphony no. 4, 3th movement
G. "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen"(I'm lost to the world)
H. Symphony no. 8, Part1
I. Symphony no. 8, Part2
J. Symphony no.10, 1st movement
K. A
L. E-flat
M. Apocalypse
N. Creation
O. Authenticity
P. Monumentality
Q. English horn
R. Viola
S. Goethe
T. Ruckert
U. Parody
V. Romance
W. Tragedy
Ex. 1
The piece is __.
The embryonic and heterogeneous musical materials suggest the world of __.
Ex. 2
This piece is __.
The use of the "turkish" percussions has the effect of __.
Ex. 3
This piece is __.
After the so-called "immortal" motive, there's a forecast of themes from __.
Ex. 4
This piece is __.
The solo instrument in the beginning is __.
Ex. 5
This piece is __.
It invites comparison with Vienna's Ringstrasse due to its __.
Ex. 6
This piece is __.
The text is by __.
Ex. 7
This piece is __.
The one note held by the solo trumpet against the massive chords is __.
Essay, ca. 300 words. 30% (1 question will be chosen from the three below)
1. "The objectivity of his songs and symphonies distinguishes him sharply from
all art which makes a pleasant and comfortable home for itself in the
private individual. As a metaphor of the unattainability of a harmonious,
reconciled totality, this objectivity is essentially negative."
(Adorno 1960).
Discuss whether this general characterization of Mahler's music is
applicable to Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (1901).
2."If you walk across the Ring, you have the impression of being in the midst
of a real carnival. Everything masked, everything disguised. Life has become
too serious for that sort of thing... Life has changed, costume has changed,
our thoughts and feelings, our whole manner of living has changed,
architecture must change also." (Hermann Bahr, 1899)
Discuss whether this critique of the Vienna Ringstrasse is applicable to
Mahler's 8th Symphony (1906).
3."The maturity of a significant artist's late works is not like that of
fruits. They are not usually round but, rather, furrowed, even ruptured;
they tend to lack sweetness, and are prickly in their refusal to be merely
tasted. They show none of that harmony which the classicist aesthetic is
accustomed to demand of a work of art, and the marks they bear are more
those of history than growth." (Ardorno, 1937)
Compare Ich ni der Welt abhanden gekommen (1901) with the first movement of
the Tenth (1910) from the above notion of "late style."