[试题] 101下 骆明庆 经济学原理与实习下 期末考

楼主: d3osef (阿嘉)   2014-04-17 22:29:13
试题 :
经济学原理与实习下期末考 请记得写上学号、系级、姓名, 作答时请标清楚题号。
一、选择题 (45%): 不需说明, 写出正确答案即可。
1. If a central bank rapidly increases the money supply, it would undermine
the ability of money to serve as a
(a) medium of exchange.
(b) unit of account.
(c) store of value.
(d) unit of account, store of value, and medium of exchange.
2. Commercial banks create money by
(a) issuing currency.
(b) calling in loans.
(c) extending loans backed by deposits.
(d) accepting demand deposits.
3. When the money market is drawn with the value of money on the vertical axis,
as the price level increases, the value of money
(a) increases, so the quantity of money demanded increases.
(b) increases, so the quantity of money demanded decreases.
(c) decreases, so the quantity of money demanded decreases.
(d) decreases, so the quantity of money demanded increases.
4. Which of the following is not implied by the quantity equation?
(a) If velocity is stable, an increase in the money supply creates a
proportional increase in nominal output.
(b) If velocity is stable and money is neutral, an increase in the money supply
creates a proportional increase in the price level.
(c) With constant money supply and output, an increase in velocity creates an
increase in the price level.
(d) With constant money supply and velocity, an increase in output creates a
proportional increase in the price level.
5. Given a nominal interest rate of 8%, in which of the following cases would
you earn the highest after-tax real interest rate?
(a) Inflation is 5%, and the tax rate is 20%.
(b) Inflation is 4%, and the tax rate is 30%.
(c) Inflation is 3%, and the tax rate is 40%.
(d) The after-tax real interest rate is the same for all of the above.
6. Jenny, a U.S. citizen, exchanges some dollars for British pounds, and uses
these British pounds to purchase a bond issued by a British firm. This exchange
(a) decreases U.S. net capital outflow.
(b) increases U.S. net capital outflow by more than the value of the bond.
(c) increases U.S. net capital outflow by the value of the bond.
(d) does not change British net capital outflow.
7. The country of Freedonia has a GDP of $2,100, consumption of $1,200, and
government purchases of $400. This implies that it has
(a) domestic investment of $500.
(b) domestic investment plus net capital outflow of $500.
(c) domestic investment minus net capital outflow of $500.
(d) None of the above is correct.
8. If purchasing-power parity holds, a U.S. dollar will buy
(a) one unit of each foreign currency.
(b) foreign currency equal to the U.S. price level divided by the foreign
country’s price level.
(c)enough foreign currency to buy as many goods as it does in the United States.
(d) None of the above is implied by purchasing-power parity.
9. An economic contraction caused by a shift in aggregate demand remedies
itself over time as the expected price level
(a) rises, shifting aggregate demand right.
(b) rises, shifting aggregate demand left.
(c) falls, shifting aggregate supply right.
(d) falls, shifting aggregate supply left.
10. Which of the following will make the aggregate demand curve steeper?
(a) An increase in investment spending.
(b) A decrease in the sensitivity of investment to the interest rate.
(c) An increase in the sensitivity of investment to the interest rate.
(d) A decrease in investment spending.
11. Assume there is a multiplier effect and some crowding out. An increase in
government expenditures changes aggregate demand more,
(a)the smaller the MPC and the stronger the influence of income on money demand.
(b)the smaller the MPC and the weaker the influence of income on money demand.
(c)the larger the MPC and the stronger the influence of income on money demand.
(d)the larger the MPC and the weaker the influence of income on money demand.
12. If the short-run Phillips curve were stable, which of the following would
be unusual?
(a) an increase in government spending and a fall in unemployment
(b) an increase in inflation and a decrease in output
(c) a decrease in the inflation rate and a rise in the unemployment rate
(d) a decrease in the money supply and a rise in unemployment.
13. The economy will move to a point on the short-run Phillips curve where
unemployment is lower
(a) if the inflation rate decreases.
(b) if the government increases its expenditures.
(c) if the Fed decreases the money supply.
(d) None of the above is correct.
14. If the Fed announced a policy to reduce inflation and people found it
credible, the short-run Phillips curve would shift
(a) right and the sacrifice ratio would fall.
(b) right and the sacrifice ratio would rise.
(c) left and the sacrifice ratio would fall.
(d) left and the sacrifice ratio would rise.
15. Senator Me first argues that the Fed should do more to fight unemployment.
He argues that if the Fed increased the money supply faster, more workers
would find jobs. The Senator’s argument
(a) is completely correct.
(b) is completely wrong.
(c) is true for the short run but not the long run.
(d) is true for the long run but not the short run.
二、非选择题 (55%): 答题时请适当说明你的想法, 答案内容以让批改者了解为原则。
1. (10%)
桃花源的人们以现金和活期存款持有所有的货币, 其通货净额占存款货币的比例为α,
银行保有的准备率 (reserve ratio) 为β。
(a) (4%)
请证明桃花源的货币乘数 (money multiplier) 。
(b) (3%)
假设桃花源的信用卡使用变得更普及, 接受信用卡交易的店家也变多了。
(c) (3%)
假设桃花源所有银行都不持有超额准备 (excess reserves)。
请问此时央行若调降法定准备率 (required reserve ratio), 货币乘数会如何变动?
2. (15%) 回答下列问题。
(a) (5%)
假设日圆汇率为 1 美元兑换 100 日圆; 而在日本售价 100 日圆的商品, 在美国售价为
1.5 美元。请问日圆兑美元的实质汇率为何 (作答时,请写清楚单位)? 依照购买力平价说,
(b) (5%)
在长期, 实施进口配额政策 (import quota) 对一国实质利率、投资支出、净资本流出
(c) (5%)
假设立法院正在考虑一项投资税负抵减的法案, 这相当于在补贴国内投资。 然而,国内
一些大出口商并不领情, 并游说立委抵制这项法案。 请问出口商为什么会反对这项法案?
3. (15%) 回答下列问题。
(a) (5%)
短期时, 政府减少定额税对产出、物价水准和名目利率有什么影响?
(b) (5%)
短期时, 央行若赎回政府公债, 对产出、物价水准和名目利率有什么影响?
(c) (5%)
重贴现率 (discount rate) 是银行向央行借钱的利率。长期时,央行若调降重贴现率,
4. (15%)
桃花源的生产函数为Y =8√L, 因此其劳动需求为W/P=4/√L, 其中Y为总产出,L为劳动量,
W为名目工资, P为物价水准。 桃花源的劳动供给为L=25。
(a) (3%)
(b) (3%)
(c) (3%)
短期时名目工资无法调整, W固定为$1。试求桃花源的短期总合供给函数。
(d) (3%)
(e) (3%)
承上题, 请问当桃花源达到长期均衡时, 物价水准、总产出和名目工资各为多少?

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