oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)
2017-01-30 10:13:1949ers hired ex-NFL safety John Lynch as GM and signed him to a six-year
The move comes entirely out of left field, as beat writers were convinced the
49ers would pick from Terry McDonough (Cardinals), George Paton (Vikings),
and Mark Dominik (ESPN).
Lynch has no background in personnel evaluation. He retired in 2008 following
a 15-year playing career, and has spent the last eight and a half years as a
color commentator for FOX.
真的有这么惨吗 四九人面试一堆人之后
忽然决定让一个完全没管理经验的 NFL 前球员来当 GM.
Kyle Shanahan 保重
Phater (肥特)
2017-01-30 10:44:00正要po被抢先了. 只能说Jed York不意外Adam Schefter的报导说Lynch上礼拜跟Kyle Shanahan接触表示有兴趣,Shanahan把他介绍给Jed York. 上周四Lynch住York家长谈几天后就被签了. 一个没经验的GM来重建一个没HC没QB除了RB没有skill player没有防守的球队,就是因为老板中意