1. Do all questions and write legibly on the answer book.
2. Total points = 100; Suggested time = 100 minutes (16:10~17:50).
3. Please keep your original copies of midterm/final, in case you need them
to correct your scores.
1. (15 points)
There are five individuals (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) who rank their preferences
about the quantities of public goods A=5, B=10, C=15, and D=20 as follows.
Please identify who has a single or multiple peaked preference.
Ind. 1: C>B>D>A Ind. 2: A>C>D>B Ind. 3: A>D>C>B
Ind. 4: D>B>C>A Ind. 5: A>C>B>D
2. (20 points, 5/8/7)
Suppose the marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) or say demand curves for a
public good of Individual 1,2,3,4 and 5 are given by the schedules as follows:
MWTP1 = 160-Q; MWTP2 = 150-2Q; MWTP3 = 200-2Q;
MWTP4 = 200-5Q; MWTP5 = 250-5Q
A unit of this public good can be produced of a constant cost of $500 and
the government finances the expenditure with a per capita tax of $100 so that
each voter pays the same fraction of the marginal cost of a public good.
(1) What are the most preferred quantities by each individual? Who is the
median voter?  ̄ ̄
(2) Suppose these five individuals vote sequentially on issues of whether to
increase or decrease the units of this public good based on the answers
of (1).In each case, a simple majority of the voters is needed to approve.
How many units of this public good would be approved?
Explain it clearly.
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(3) Is this voting outcome efficient? Why?
3. (15 points, 5/5/5)
Kenneth Arrow (1951) proposed a famous and interesting theorem called "Arrow
Impossibility Theorem". Please answer the followings:
(1) Please write down and explain the assumptions of this theorem.
(2) Why is it called Arrow "impossibility" theorem?
(3) Why does someone also call it Arrow "possibility" theorem?
4.(20 points, 10/10)
(1) What is "Coase Theorem"? What are its limitations?
(2) Suppose we can measure in dollars the daily benefits to being married or
divorced to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. According to the following
information, this Hollywood couple will stay married or get divorced under
(a) fault rule, and (b) non-fault rule? You have to explain why.
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Fault rule:
The one who wants to divorce has to pay money to the other party.
Non-fault rule:
The one who doesn't want to divorce has to pay money to the other
Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie
Married $160 $180
Divorced $200 $120
5. (15 points,4/3/8)
Below is some information on distribution of gross incomes for families in the
country A and country B. The entries are the gross income shares.
│Quintile │Country A │Country B │
|Top 20% │ 44.5% │ 38.9% │
|4th 20% │ 25.3% │ 25% │
|3rd 20% │ 16.6% │ 17.2% │
|2nd 20% │ 9.8% │ 12.3% │
|Lowest 20% │ 3.8% │ 6.6% │
(1) Draw the Lorenz curves for country A and country B on a single graph, and
in which country is income more equally distributed?
(2) Suppose the Gini ratio of country A is 0.4, will you expect the Gini ratio
of country B is higher or lower than 0.4?
(3) Explain what problems we may have when using the measures of income
inequality such as Gini ratio and poverty line.
6. (15 points, 5/5/5) Please briefly but precisely explain the following terms:
(1) Logrolling
(2) Plurality voting rule
(3) Maximin social welfare function
Please return the question sheet with your answer book
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