Osman responded to getting his 1st start as a Spur with 6 points, a
season-high 8 rebounds & a season-best 6 assists against 1 turnover: "It was
really fun being able to play the point guard because that is something I was
really used to it. It was not strange to me at all."
Cedi Osman谈在第一次在马刺 担任先发控球后卫:
Sochan on getting benched: "I think it's just experimenting. So, it is what
it is."
On if he gained something from starting at PG & if he wants to get back to
it, "It depends on what the coaches want, depends on how the team is going to
be, and we will just see from there."
Jeremy Sochan 谈被下放板凳:
当被问到 从先发控球后卫中 学到了什么