Re: [花边] 巧合? 坎特吃7颗汉堡后隔天因病缺席练球

楼主: chieher ("Be all you can be")   2019-01-12 07:12:00
网络上搜寻一下 TDEE Calculator:
每日总消耗热量(TDEE): 基础代谢量(BEE) x 日常活动指数(Activity Multiplier)
以 LBJ 官方 6呎8, 250lbs, 体脂 6% 去算,TDEE 就直接 5000 了
当然这个数字就是一个计算值,以 LBJ 的训练量,我觉得这个值还远远低估了
THON MAKER (7呎1, 220lb) 说他吃 6000-7000:
Blake Griffin (6呎10, 251lbs) 评论员说 5200:
再说,以职业球员的练习量,一天吃三餐根本不够 (考虑到每一餐能吸收的有限)
老鹰公布过 Mike Muscala (6呎11, 239lbs) 的内容 (来自官网)
Meal 1, 9:00 a.m.: "For a game day, I'll get a room service breakfast at like
9 a.m.. I like omelets or sausage-and-egg biscuits or waffles or fruit.
9 a.m. 吃:欧姆蛋 或 肉蛋比司吉 或 松饼
"That's the biggest thing for me. I have to eat breakfast, and if I don't, my
metabolism just isn't working and it's not good for me. I find it I miss
breakfast, it's hard for me to keep weight."
Meal 2, 1:00 p.m.: "After shootaround, we have a team brunch, so I'll eat
lunch there."
1:00 p.m. (早晨练习后) 跟球队一起吃午餐
When at home, and often on the road, the Hawks typically do a Whole Foods
catered brunch or lunch. It's a common sight after shootaround to see players
headed out of Philips with a boxed lunch.
Meal 3: 4:00 p.m.: "When I wake up from my nap, I'll eat a sandwich."
4:00 p.m. 午睡后,吃一个三明治
Meal 4, 6:00 p.m.: "Before the game I'll have a granola bar or a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich."
6:00 p.m. 比赛前,吃一个燕麦卷、或者花生酱果酱吐司(外国人真的很爱PBJ)
Meal 5 (and sometimes 6), 10:00 p.m.: "After the game, I'll have a recovery
drink and dinner."
10:00 p.m. 比赛结束,吃晚餐跟恢复饮料
用成年人一般 2000 Kcal 去看 5000, 6000 Kcal 当然难以想像
但想想一般成年人 170 公分 70公斤 没啥运动习惯
200 公分 110 公斤,每天要训练 3 个小时以上
那他们一天消耗热量是你的 2-3 倍,又有什么好奇怪的?
※ 引述《b174040406 (Mark)》之铭言:
: LeBron James
: 早餐:煎蛋 火鸡肉 培根 花生酱 酸奶 全麦面包
: 中餐:烤鸡肉 沙拉
: 晚餐:烤三明治 鸡肉 西红柿 菠菜
: 一天热量约4000卡

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