maxisam (伪.强者)
2018-05-03 02:28:27“What’s funny is that Bryon Russell was actually one of my favorite players
growing up for no specific reason,” said Curry.
“So I was kind of hurt,” he added. “I loved Jordan, but Bryon Russell was
one of my guys and I was hurt that it had to be him. He definitely pushed
off, though.”
一篇被推爆文 竟然没有人跳出来说这个翻译根本是错的
有意思的是 Russell其实是一个我从小莫名喜欢的球员
所以我有点受伤 我爱Jordan但是Russell是我喜欢的球员之一
那次关键球偏偏正好是对上Russell 这让我感到很受伤
整段话哪里说Curry厌恶Jordan做的事? 还这么多人推
Curry讲话风格一向很四平八稳的 随便想也知道翻错了
※ 引述《jeromeshih (以谨慎态度来面对问题)》之铭言:
: 98年NBA冠军战最后3分钟,Jordan的Lasr Shot到底是否有推人,一直是讨论的议题
: 影片
: https://youtu.be/530z-_yjdlU
: 这次Curry也发表他的看法
: 参考原文
: https://goo.gl/kaMFyu
: Stephen Curryaysichael Jordan“definitely” pushed-off on former Jazz wingryon Russellefore MJ hit the Championship-winning shot in the 1998 NBA Finals.
: Curry认为Jordan在98 NBA冠军赛Jordan毫无疑问的推了Russell
: In a story by theeseret News‘ Eric Woodyard, Curry said Russell was “one ofy favorite players growing up for no specific reason,” and hated that Jordan’s “Last Shot” had to be against Russell.
: 在Deseret News's Woodyard
: Curry说Russel是他喜欢的球员之一,而且厌恶Jordan在最后一击对Russell所做的事。
: “What’s funny is that Bryon Russell was actually one of my favorite players growing up for no specific reason,” said Curry.
: Curry提到,在他成长阶段,Russel是他喜欢的球员之一。
: “So I was kind of hurt,” he added. “I loved Jordan, but Bryon Russell was one of my guys and I was hurt that it had to be him. He definitely pushed off, though.”
: Curry觉得他蛮受伤的。他喜欢Jordan,但Russell是他尊敬的球员,所以发生这样的事在Russell身上让他很受伤。他认为Jordan绝对有推Russell。
: 以上,如有错误也请不吝指正
作者: lamourarchil (everlasting love) 2018-05-03 03:56:00
推 厌恶那段原po那段确实翻的不好 应该是“Curry厌恶这个Jordan的最后一击是发生在Russell身上” 而原文完全没有Curry厌恶Jordan的语意甚至还补充说明他喜欢Jordan明明就差很多 有没有翻出had to的语意差很多好吗 英文不好还要带风向真的很无言