: 嘘 thekinginsid: Rondo表示 06/29 10:40
Rondo这周末起也是自由球员, 但会去哪边的新闻好少, 就来找看看关于他的传闻
毕竟他上一季场均有着11.9分 + 11.7助攻 + 6篮板
往年三分线28.9%, 上季投出生涯最高的36.5%
1.篮网 http://tinyurl.com/z58uqza
the Nets and two free agent point guards, Rajon Rondo and Brandon Jennings,
have "mutual interest."
篮网跟Rondo以及Jennings, 都对彼此有兴趣
2.尼克 & 篮网 http://tinyurl.com/hwv26wr
Speaking of Kings, source said their free agent Rajon Rondo is open to
staying but also had interest in Knicks & Nets. Rose to NY kills that
本来Rondo有兴趣去尼克or篮网, 但Rose被交易去尼克让Rondo少了个希望