Re: [外絮] J.J.Redick谈和DAJ的会面

楼主: yanggaizhi (yanggaizhi)   2015-07-11 07:24:16
※ 引述《s90523 (小枫)》之铭言:
: 消息来源:
: 内文和翻译:(为避免有带风向的嫌疑故全部贴上来,文长)
: J.J.Redick provided new details of the Clippers’ famed encampment at the home
: of DeAndre Jordan during a podcast with Zach Lowe of Grantland on Friday,
: saying he was already in Houston when Dallas Mavericks forward Chandler
: Parsons started the Twitter war of emojis as both teams scrambled to get
: Jordan to sign with them.
: J.J.Redick(以下称JJ)在礼拜五接受访谈时,
: 提供了一些关于快艇在DAJ家扎营的细节。
: 他也提到当CP25在twitter上发表了飞机的表情符号而开启表情符号大战时,
: 他其实人已经在休士顿了。
: Jordan, of course, reneged on a commitment to the Mavericks on Wednesday
: night, re-signing with the Clippers for four years and $87.6 million in one
: of the most dramatic reversals in the history of free agency.
: DAJ在星期三晚上时拒绝了小牛和他达成的口头协定,
: 并和快艇续约了,合约内容为87.6M/4Y,
: 这场抓马可称得上是FA史上最戏剧化的事件之一。
: Redick said he was scrolling through his Twitter timeline earlier that day
: when he saw Parsons' plane emoji.
: 当CP25发表那则推特时,JJ也正在滑著推特。
: “Chandler Parsons to the rescue! Yay!” Redick told Lowe somewhat
: facetiously. “And I’m just like, all right, I’m going to tweet out a car. I
: ’m already here.”
: JJ说他当时心里想的是,
: “高富帅要登场救援啦~~~
: 好吧,那我就以一台车的符号回应,但其实我人早就到了。”
: Redick said he had already made the three-hour drive from his home in Austin
: as part of the Clippers’ efforts to get Jordan to back out of his commitment
: to the Mavericks. Teammate Blake Griffin had arrived the previous night,
: Redick said, and was eating dinner with Jordan at the time Jordan sent
: Mavericks owner Mark Cuban a text saying he was on a date.
: JJ早就从他在Austin的家中花了三小时车程过来,
: 为了要和快艇一起努力说服DAJ背叛他和小牛的合约。
: 而BG更是前一天晚上就来了,DAJ告诉Cuban他在约会时其实就是和BG吃晚餐。
: Redick described the scene at Jordan’s house as "less a pitch and more just
: team-building.” Players played spades on the kitchen table until abandoning
: the game when his parents came back with Cane’s chicken for the Clippers
: contingent. (The team of Chris Paul and Paul Pierce was beating Redick and
: Jordan at the time, Redick said.)
: JJ形容那时在DAJ家的场景不是扎营,而比较像是队友间在联络感情。
: 大家在厨房里玩牌直到DAJ的家人为快艇队带来烤鸡,
: (附带一提,CP3和PP那队打败了JJ还有DAJ)
: Meanwhile, Griffin was scouting Jordan’s home in his efforts to stage a
: picture he posted to Twitter of a chair wedged against the door, the
: implication being that the Clippers were trying to keep out the Mavericks.
: Redick said no one from the Mavericks came to Jordan’s house while he was
: there.
: 在他们打牌的同时,BG在推特上发表了用椅子挡门的照片,
: 来表达他守护DAJ所做出的努力,也表明了快艇就是不想让小牛靠近DAJ。
: JJ表示他在DAJ家时没看到小牛的任何人过来。
: Believing Jordan’s commitment to return to the Clippers was secure, Redick
: said he departed in the early evening to help his wife pack for a trip the
: next day. But he was so engrossed in keeping up with the developments that he
: took the wrong freeway and drove to San Antonio instead of back home.
: 相信DAJ会回到快艇,JJ在傍晚就为了要和老婆一起整理行李而先离开了。
: 但因为他太专心发漏抓马的后续,所以走错了路并开到SA。
: “What was supposed to be a three-hour drive,” Redick said, “became a
: four-hour-and-45-minute drive.”
: 原本三小时的车程就因为开错路变成快五小时了XD
: Redick called Jordan’s decision to stay with the Clippers “vital” for the
: team because it allowed them to keep one of the NBA’s top rebounders and
: shot-blockers but acknowledged feeling “a little bit” bad for the Mavericks
: after Jordan not only backed out of his commitment but failed to inform Cuban
: of his decision.
: JJ表示DAJ决定和快艇续约的选择是非常必要的,
: 因为这可以保持快艇的篮板和火锅数量维持在联盟前段,
: 不过他也对小牛感到有些抱歉,不只因为DAJ毁约,而且还不敢告诉Cuban他的决定。
: “There’s this discussion on Twitter about, ‘Is DeAndre wrong?’ or
: whatever,” Redick said. “This happens all the time in every business.”
: “推特上有些关于DAJ的讨论,大概就是‘他有错吗?’之类的,
: 但没有办法,这就是商场,这很常发生。”,JJ表示。
: To illustrate his point, Redick said his agent called Minnesota in the summer
: of 2013 after he backed out of a commitment to sign with the Timberwolves and
: instead came to the Clippers. Redick also noted that then-Clippers owner
: Donald Sterling never called him to express his hesitation about the trade
: that brought Redick to Los Angeles “because he thought I was a bench player
: or because I was white—I’ve heard both stories.”
: 为了要说明他的论点,JJ提到在2013的夏天时,他的经纪人通知灰狼他不要和灰狼签约,
: 而去了快艇。当时快艇的老板史达林从来没有叫他表达他对于当时交易的犹豫,
: “可能因为我只是个板凳球员,或是因为我是白人,这两种说法都有”
: Redick called Wednesday “the best day on Twitter maybe ever” because of the
: emoji war, saying he was unsure why Pierce tweeted out a picture of a rocket
: ship emoji instead of an actual rocket ship emoji since the veteran small
: forward had a couple of emoji apps on his phone.
: JJ说星期三是“可能是在推特上最美好的一天”,因为NBA球星之间的表情符号大混战XD
: 但他不确定为什么PP会发了火箭的图片而不是表情符号,
: PP手机里明明就有很多表情符号的APP阿。
: “Wednesday was like one hit after another,” Redick said. “It was like, ‘
: That’s the best tweet ever. No, wait a minute, that’s the best tweet ever.’
: ”
: 星期三就像是场不断打出安打的比赛。
: 才觉得这篇应该是最好的推特,下一秒看到另一篇又变心了。
: Redick also denied that his giving the Clippers an "F-minus" earlier this
: week in free agency was an orchestrated attempt to try to put pressure on
: Jordan to return.
: JJ也否认了关于他几天前对快艇今夏FA操作不及格的评论是为了给DAJ施加压力。
刚刚也听完这个访问, 主持人 Zack Lowe问Redick DAJ 是不是欠Cuban一个解释, 他说
不需要, 这是经纪人的责任, 他就以当时Sterling反悔也没打给他。 其他电台主持人
也都说很多GM 老板也都反悔过, 或者骗球员不会被交易。
作者: popstarkirby (有梗的POP)   2015-07-11 07:25:00
问快艇的球员当然挺自己人 而且这次也不是反悔的问题 是处理的方式...他周一就反悔了结果一直不接电话Cuban当时就觉得状况不对 后来周三Cuban传短信找Jordan,Jordan回在约会(跟Griffin吃饭)球员反悔例子不是没有 但处理那么糟的唯有Jordan消息是Jordan周一就反悔,打给Griffin哭诉Griffin建议他打给Rivers谈..后来快艇带主将等人劝他回快艇,他一把鼻涕一把眼泪地答应...所以他老早就知道不签小牛 Cuban也给过他三天时间告知 他一直回避+拒绝沟通

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