Re: [情报] 快艇板凳席附近座位的听闻

楼主: oldgump1201 (nimama)   2013-11-06 17:33:28
※ 引述《rock0916 (fufu)》之铭言:
: 消息来源:
: 内容:
: Wanted to post my observations from the game last night but will lead the
: analysis to the pros on the site. My sister and I sat right behind Rockets
: bench which was great but we had 5 or 6 hecklers sitting right beside us that
: were super annoying. They were talking trash and screaming literally the whole
: game. I wanted to punch them in the face. =)
想写写我昨晚看的比赛 但分析留给网络上的专家
他们几乎整场讲垃圾话又尖叫 想从他们脸上揍下去
: First, Jeremy looked good during warmups. He was making a lot of his jump
: shots. Not sure if they showed this on TV but Parsons, Harden and Lin have a
: new pre game ritual. Harden and Parsons facing each other with Lin facing away
: from them. Harden brushes Parsons hair, Parsons brushes Harden's beard. They
: do a couple other things that I missed then at the last second Jeremy turns
: around and they all bow towards each other.
: 大意: 胡子 , 帅哥 , 林 开场不太一样
首先 林热身时看起来不错 进了不少跳投 不确定画面有没有拍到
林跟CP还有Harden有了一个新的进场仪式 CP与Harden面对面 Lin背对他们
Harden刷刷CP的头发 CP刷刷Harden的胡子 中间又做了一些动作我错过了
然后Lin转身 三个人互相鞠躬
: First half was really hard to watch. Looks like dwight and Harden were super
: lazy on defense. Dwight constantly looks to throw outlet pass to Harden or
: Parsons. Jeremy was getting really frustrated. There was a play where Coach
: Mchale was yelling at Jeremy to run a certain play (Index finger and pinky
: finger raised). Looks like this is a type of "horns" play where they set
: double screens for Jeremy at the top of the key (one pick on each side).
: Jeremy calls the play, Harden gets the ball and goes iso and misses.
: Mchale then calls time out and yells at Jeremy. Jeremy yells at Mchale back.
: I heard Jeremy say something like, "I AM trying to run the play." Mchale then
: yells at Harden and Harden just walks away from him. Mchale then looks at
: Jeremy and shrugs his shoulders kind of like, "there's nothing i can do."
: 大意: 上半场很难看, 哈.兽. 两人根本不想防守 , 林很挫折。 有一球教练对林大吼说
: 要跑某种战术,林指示但胡子却马上单打失败了。所以教练生气的对林吼叫,林吼回去说
: 我也想试着去做阿。教练转而对胡子吼叫,胡子转身走掉。 然后教练对林耸耸肩。
上半场真不忍心看 DH与Harden防守超懒的 DH经常丢长传给Harden或CP
林感到很沮丧 有个play是教练吼林跑某个战术(用食指与小指) 看起来像牛角战术
为林在弧顶作了一个双档(一边一档) 林比出这个战术 Harden拿到球自干没进
教练喊暂停后吼了林 林吼了回去 我听到林说了话像是"我有试着打这个Play"
教练接着吼哈登而哈登只是转身离开 然后教练看着林耸耸肩像是"我什么也不能做"
: Jeremy reall looks like he is not having a good time playing. He was constantly
: being yelled at by Dwight and Parsons between plays. To be honest, I really
: don't know why they were yelling at him. There were couple time where Jeremy
: wasn't even involved in the play.
: 林似乎打的很不爽。一些回合中不断的被帅哥和草梅兽两人吼,但老实说很多时候他也根
: 本没在攻防体系内
林真的看起来打得很不顺 他经常被DH与CP在攻防转换中吼
老实说 我实在不知道为什么他们要这样吼他 有好几次林根本没参与Play
: In 4th quarter, Jeremy checks in at 8 minute mark on his own. He looked at
: Mchale while walking to check in kind of like asking "I'm checking in right
: now right." Made me think maybe they have set times they check in?
: 林最后8分时要上场,似乎转头问说:我上没错吧?冰箱好像已经预先分做好时间配额
: At the end of the 4th, AB was set to check in for JEremy during garbage time.
: Jeremy was playing well. I saw AB walk back to the bench on his own and heard
: him say to Mchale, "Jeremy's doing his thing. Just let him play."
: 垃圾时间小AB要被上去换JL下来,看到小AB转向板凳对冰箱说: JL做好了
: 他的本分,让他打吧
作者: StarTouching (抚星)   2013-11-06 17:44:00
其实目前最大的问题就Harden的防守他进攻正常时 防守问题可以睁一只眼闭一只眼
作者: StarTouching (抚星)   2013-11-06 17:45:00
但快艇那场他进攻不佳 防守也很烂
作者: StarTouching (抚星)   2013-11-06 18:06:00
被骂也未必是不好 像Parker以前常被POPO骂有没有给机会比较重要

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