※ 引述《YummyKidd (悠米)》之铭言:
: 快艇球迷的场边观察~~
: http://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1pzjqv/
: interesting_pov_experience_from_a_fan_watching/cd7rj8x
: HILARIOUS! i know the guys that were heckling dwight and harden. they are
: season ticket holders and die hard clips fans, and actually got yelled at
: by both rockets towards the end of the game.
: the assessment about Lin is completely correct. It's crazy how other teams
: attack him. and it's even worse that the rockets players don't stand up for him.
: he was bullied by the clips and was OPENLY yelled at by several rockets players
: for things that weren't even his fault. CP3 would abuse whichever rocket was
: guarding him, but somehow whenever Lin got scored on he was given crap.
: the part about Harden is completely true too. he openly broke plays and went
: iso. he turned it into a d measuring contest for some reason, when Omri was
: making everything. no way the team will contend, they are in line for a self
: destruct IMO.
然后关于对林书豪的事件的评论确实完全的正确. 其实别的队伍会如此的
在场上大声的咆啸. CP3会"打点"任何一位防守他的火箭球员(意思是没人守
的住,而且换过很多人守) 然后当林书豪被CP3得分时却会被骂到臭头(指的不是CP3
被过大家会觉得说:林好烂喔~~~~) 讲哈登的地方也完全正确,他经常在场上
那时的cassapi什么都在做. 在我眼里这支球队不可能有竞争机会的,他们根本要自爆了
TL;DR CP3没呛林,哈登老大化中,众火箭只能拿豪哥出气^_<