※ [本文转录自 Christianity 看板]
作者: Geigemachen () 看板: Christianity
标题: [心得] 谁说耶稣是神?
时间: Mon Oct 20 18:21:11 2008
使徒约翰的另一个学生坡旅甲Polycarp(死于西元155年) 也说耶稣是神,
还有Melito (死于190 AD) 。
Ignatius: "For our GOD Jesus Christ was conceived in the womb"
Polycarp: "believe on our Lord and GOD Jesus Christ"
Justin Martyr: "For Christ is our King and Priest and GOD and Lord"
Melito: "(Jesus) rose from the dead as GOD"
Irenaeus: "So GOD became man and the Lord Himself saved us"
Tertullian: "In His birth GOD AND MAN united"
The Little Labyrinth: "sing of Christ as the word of God and address Him as
WHO SAID JESUS IS GOD? (Let the Church Fathers Speak) By Gary F. Zeolla
1. Ignatius (died 117 AD)
Ignatius is the first Church Father to be listened to. Ignatius was a
disciple of the apostle John and bishop of Antioch (Moyer, p. 203). In 117
AD, he was led ". . . from Antioch to Rome, having been condemned to death
and expecting to be thrown to the wild beasts in the amphitheater on his
Along the way, he wrote seven epistles. Six of the letters were addressed to
various churches and the seventh to Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna (Lightfoot, p.
97). What follows is short excerpts from four of these letters (Note: These
epistles have been divided into chapters and verses, similar to the Bible.
These references are in the parentheses.)
To the Ephesians: Ignatius opens his first epistle by telling the Ephesian
church it is ". . . united and elect in a true passion, by the will of the
Father and of Jesus Christ our GOD" (introduction). He commends them for ". .
. having your hearts kindled in THE BLOOD OF GOD" (1:1 compare Acts 20:28).
Next comes a very interesting passage, "There is one only physician, of flesh
and of spirit, generate and ingenerate, GOD IN MAN, true Life in death, Son
of Mary and Son of God, first passible and then impassible, Jesus Christ our
Lord" (7:2).
Some notes on this important verse:
1. "The antithesis of flesh and spirit is intended to express the human and
divine nature respectively" (Lightfoot, quoted in Stevenson, p. 13).
2. "Generate and ingenerate" (Greek