※ 引述《saccharomyce (酵公菌)》之铭言:
: https://reurl.cc/Goqmad
: Ukraine has reportedly eliminated Major General Andrey Kolesnikov, commander
: of Russian 29th army. He is the latest senior Russian officer to be killed in
: the combat zone
: 乌克兰宣称解决掉俄国第29军团司令Andrey Kolesnikov少将
: 俄军先前都是少将参谋长阵亡
: 现在终于有司令阵亡了?
: 俄罗斯的"army" 应该是翻作军团吧
: 有错烦请指证
3 out of 20 Russian major generals currently in Ukraine have now been killed,
says western official
Western official says it is of note that they are so far forward which you
would expect to see when troops are unable to make decisions of their own or
are fearful of moving forward.
Russian troops are using commercial radios and phones to communicate, says
Western official, adding that some devices are encrypted