rodcky (roddcky)
2015-04-11 19:29:52已征得板主同意PO文,纯粹推广UFA大专足球赛事。
【UFA大专足球联赛 公开一级决赛】
男公开一季军战 铭传大学vs.辅仁大学 12:00 @台北田径场
女公开一冠军战 台湾师大vs.台湾体大 15:00 @台北田径场
男公开一冠军战 北市大vs.台湾体大 18:00 @台北田径场
【UFA Division 1 Finals】
2015 University Football Association (UFA) Division 1 Finals will take place on Wednesday April 15 at Taipei Municipal Stadium, featuring the best college football players in the country.
Men’s Division 1 Third Place Match:
Ming Chuan University vs. Fu Jen Catholic University
12:00 @ Taipei Municipal Stadium
Women’s Division 1 Championship Final:
National Taiwan Normal University vs. National Taiwan University of Sport
15:00 @ Taipei Municipal Stadium
Men’s Division 1 Championship Final:
University of Taipei vs. National Taiwan University of Sport
Come and enjoy the games! With the iconic college football players showing their elite skills on the field, the UFA Division 1 finals are the highest-level college football games in Taiwan.
In addition to the great football matches, there will be mini interactive games at the stadium for you to have fun and earn a gift from Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation, which organizes the event. Li-Chi Cheetah (力奇豹), the agile mascot of UFA, will also show up to enjoy the games with fans.
Don’t worry if you don’t have time to go to the stadium for the games. SSUtv on YouTube will broadcast every match in live streaming online, capturing all the exciting and unforgettable moments on the field for you!