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作者: zxc906383 (无无) 看板: Baseball
标题: [情报] 明年MLB合格报价为1965万美金
时间: Tue Oct 18 23:11:41 2022
Qualifying Offer Set At $19.65MM For 2022-23 Offseason
By Darragh McDonald | October 14, 2022 at 11:02pm CDT
This year’s qualifying offer will be set at $19.65MM, according to Joel Sherman
of the New York Post. This will set a new record for the QO, which generally tr
ends upward from year to year. The previous high was $18.9MM heading int0 the 20
20-21 offseason, and the QO then dropped last winter down to $18.4MM.
根据纽邮的Joel Sherman的报导,明年大联盟的合格报价将调到1965万美金
2012-13: $13.3MM
2013-14: $14.4MM
2014-15: $15.3MM
2015-16: $15.8MM
2016-17: $17.2MM
2017-18: $17.4MM
2018-19: $17.9MM
2019-20: $17.8MM
2020-21: $18.9MM
2021-22: $18.4MM
2022-23: $19.65MM
The qualifying offer changes on an annual basis because it is an average of the
salaries of the 125 highest-paid players in baseball.