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2020-06-07 16:05:43https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/oakland-athletics-will-pay-minor-league-players-through-end-of-scheduled-season-reversing-previous-decision/
Oakland Athletics will pay minor league players through end of scheduled
season, reversing previous decision
After the Oakland Athletics announced last week that they would stop playing
minor leaguers their $400 weekly stipend after May 31, the club has reversed
its original decision. On Friday, Oakland A's owner John Fisher told Susan
Slusser of the San Francisco Chronicle that the club will pay minor leaguers
their weekly stipend through the end of the scheduled minor league season.
Here's what Fisher said via the Chronicle:
老板John Fisher告诉San Francisco Chronicle的记者,他们将会在球季中完整支付津贴
"I changed my mind after spending a lot of time talking to our team," Fisher
said, mentioning team president Dave Kaval, vice president of baseball
operations Billy Beane and general manager David Forst in particular. "I
concluded I'd made a mistake." ...
"I've listened to our fans and others, and there is no question that this is
the right thing to do," Fisher said. "We clearly got this decision wrong.
These players represent our future and we will immediately begin paying our
minor-league players. I take responsibility and I'm making it right."
Fisher说 :团队讨论后,我改变了主意
包含营运总经理 总裁 副总裁的人在内,都不赞成我的意见
The A's will also set up an emergency assistance fund for the club's
furloughed employees, Fisher told Slusser.
Minor-league players are not paid during spring training