Torii Hunter played 19 major-league seasons between the Minnesota Twins, Los
Angeles Angels, and Detroit Tigers. One team he made a point never to play
for was the Boston Red Sox.
Torii Hunter在明尼苏达双城队、洛杉矶天使队和底特律老虎队间共经历了19个赛季。
Hunter had a no-trade clause built into every contract that would prevent him
from being sent to Boston because fans at Fenway Park directed racial slurs
at him, he said Thursday on ESPN Radio's "Golic & Wingo."
Hunter在星期四的ESPN Radio节目"Golic & Wingo"中提到,他在每一份合约都加注了不
"I've been called the N-word in Boston 100 times, and I said something about
it," Hunter said. "(People would say) 'Oh, he's just a militant, he's lying,
this didn't happen.' No, it happened. All the time. From little kids. And
grown-ups right next to them didn't say anything. ... So I had a no-trade
clause in everything I had not to go to Boston. Not because of all the
people, not because of the teammates, not because of the front office.
Because if you're doing that and it's allowed amongst the people, I don't
want to be there. And that's why I had a no-trade clause to Boston. Every
contract I've ever had. And I always wanted to play for them. It sucks."
It's not the first time Boston's been associated with racism, particularly in
baseball. Former Baltimore Orioles outfielder Adam Jones said he was targeted
by racist taunts and had peanuts thrown at him while playing at Fenway Park
in 2017.
外野手Adam Jones提到当2017年在芬威球场打球时,曾经遭到球迷种族歧视的嘲讽并且
Additionally, Yawkey Way was renamed Jersey Street in 2018 because of its
association with former Red Sox owner Tom Yawkey. He oversaw the team during
the integration era and the Red Sox didn't roster a black player until 1959,
12 years after Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier.
除此之外,Yawkey路因为和前红袜老板Tom Yawkey的关联,在2018年被重新命名为
登录了第一位非裔球员,就在Jackie Robinson打破肤色藩篱的12年后。