Malpais (Malpais)
2019-03-06 16:08:20来源:洛杉矶时报 https://goo.gl/94f15y
By Maria Torres 3/5/2019
The Angels have contacted Major League Baseball regarding Philadelphia
Phillies outfielder Bryce Harper’s public recruitment of Angels star Mike
Trout, a possible violation of tampering rules.
费城人队外野手 Bryce Harper 近日涉嫌违规公开招募天使队球星 Mike Trout,天使球团已就此事向联盟告状
Harper, who signed a $330-million, 13-year contract with the Phillies late
last week, told a Philadelphia radio station Tuesday that he plans to ask
Trout to join him on the East Coast as soon as Trout becomes a free agent.
Harper 上周刚和费城人签下 13 年 330M 的大约,他星期二在费城的广播节目上透漏说他打算在 Trout 成为自由球员后马上邀请他来东岸跟他组团
"If you don't think I'm gonna call Mike Trout to come to Philly in 2020,
you're crazy,” he said on SportsRadio 94WIP.
Harper: “如果你觉得我明年不会打电话叫 Trout 一起来费城人,你一定是傻了”
Angels general manager Billy Eppler said in a text message to the L.A. Times
that he is aware of the comments and, “We’ve been in touch with MLB and we
have no further comment at this time.”
天使队 GM Billy Eppler 传短信跟洛杉矶时报的记者表明他已得知此事
Eppler: “我们已经有跟联盟联络了,目前不方便进一步说明”
Trout, who is from Millville, N.J., and has season tickets to the
Philadelphia Eagles, is under contract with the Angels through 2020. Angels
owner Arte Moreno has indicated on multiple occasions that re-signing Trout
to an extension is a top priority for his team.
Trout 跟 天使队的合约将在明年球季后到期,在纽泽西 Millville(离费城市中心车程不到一小时)长大的他持有 NFL 费城老鹰队的季票。天使队老板 Arte Moreno 已数次表态天使队的第一要务就是跟 Trout 签下延长合约
That has not prevented Harper from stumping for Trout since the moment he
first put on his Phillies jersey during his introductory news conference
Saturday. He said that his club-friendly deal, which pays him roughly $26
million a year, leaves the Phillies room to add other players.
然而天使老板的表态没能阻止 Harper。 他自从周六加盟记者会第一次穿上费城人球衣后就对招募 Trout 兴致昂昂。 Harper 认为自己平均 26M 年薪的新合约对球团十分友善,将使费城人保有足够空间签下其他球员
“I know there’s another guy in about two years who comes off the books,”
Harper said then. “We’ll see what happens with him.”
Harper took his recruitment of Trout a step further Tuesday: "For me, I can
be able to talk to Trout, or whoever it is, big-name free agent or whoever
wants to come to Philly or is thinking about coming to Philly, I can say
'Hey, this is the place to be. This is where the fans are great, ownership
understands it, our manager is awesome.’”
星期二 Harper 更进一步公开招募 Trout: “Trout 或其他任何对费城人有兴趣的球员都可以来跟我聊聊, 我会跟他们说:‘嘿就是这里没错了。这里球迷超棒,老板搞得清楚状况,总教练也超赞’”
MLB has rules on tampering that prevent players from enticing others to join
clubs that are not their own while they are still under contract, even in a
hypothetical sense. The league has reprimanded players for enticing others to
join their teams in the past, such as when David Ortiz received a warning
letter for publicly lobbying the Boston Red Sox to sign Edwin Encarnacion in
2016. The league can also issue fines.
MLB 有明文禁止球员怂恿其他合约在身的非自由球员跳槽到其他球队,就算只是假设语气也不行。联盟在过去已曾对此类行为警告违规球员,例如 David Ortiz 在 2016 年违规招募 Edwin Encarnacion 时就曾收到联盟的警告信。除了书面警告外联盟也有权对违规球员罚款