※ 引述《safetheho (心诚则灵AJ)》之铭言:
: http://ppt.cc/OasK
: 马林鱼队投手Jarred Cosart疑似参与棒球赌博,MLB已经介入调查.
: Cosart在自己的Twitter上面自爆,公开的和运动赌博相关单位对话,并被网友Screen Shot之后在网络上流传开来.
: Cosart随即关掉自己的Twitter,并表示此次事件是因为自己的Twitter被入侵.
: 美国职棒大联盟第21条规定明文指出大联盟选手禁止参与棒球运动的赌博.
MLB Rules That Cosart Did Not Bet On Baseball
By Steve Adams [April 3, 2015 at 3:24pm CDT]
Major League Baseball has announced that its investigation into a
gambling-related matter with Jarred Cosart revealed that the Marlins
right-hander did not bet on baseball. Cosart has, however, been fined for
violating an MLB rule by placing bets on other sports through a book maker.
The league’s official statement is as follows:
“Major League Baseball has completed its investigation into Jarred Cosart’s
possible connection to sports-related gambling. The investigation did not
reveal any evidence to suggest that Cosart, who fully cooperated with the
investigation, bet on baseball. Cosart has received an undisclosed fine for
violations of Major League Rule 21(d)(3) that were revealed during the
investigation. Major League Rule 21(d)(3) prohibits players from placing bets
with illegal book makers, or agents for illegal book makers. This rule is
strictly enforced and applies to gambling with illegal bookmakers on any
sport or event.”
Cosart himself has also issued a statement, via press release from the Major
League Baseball Players Association:
“I have never, nor would I ever, bet on the great game of baseball. Major
League Baseball conducted a thorough investigation, and I cooperated fully
with them and their investigators throughout that process. I’m sorry for any
distractions this may have caused the Marlins, my teammates, coaches, and our
incredible fans. I’m glad to bring closure to this situation before Opening
Day and I look forward to a great season.”